Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Ginsburg Experiment

While the majority look at the cancer Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dealing with, I look at this woman as an observation point in the long term and a hope that she finds Jesus as her Savior in the immediate term.
It is not difficult to have compassion on Ruth Ginsburg as it is a human thing, but it is impossible to forget the multi millions of children she has had a part in butchering to death in aborticide. While Ruth Ginsburg had anesthesia for her operation, millions of children were scalded, poisoned and ripped to pieces in infanticide without any medication to negate the pain they experienced.

There are many pondering thoughts in this in was Ms. Ginsburg ill before the election and put it off to assist in Obama getting elected in not being an issue.
In knowing of people who have had pancreatic cancer, they were diagnosed in September and were dead by the first week of December, but then, a beloved relative of mine had brain cancer and was dead in 7 weeks, but when you are a Kennedy you get a whole lot of borrowed time.

That is what is of interest for me is Ruth Bader Ginsburg going to be allowed to die so Birdie Obama can appoint a chosen one to the Supreme Court as has been intended all along, or is she like so many of the elite going to keep on living after the normal people of Rockefeller health care die immediately after their health insurance runs out.

20 years ago most people died from cancer within months, yet interestingly after people stopped taking treatment, more and more people started surviving cancer. That is no coincidence nor advancement in treatment as it was the same treatments, but somehow enough people were being cured to herd the rest of the sheep into the pen for their chance.

So in the experiment, will Ms. Ginsburg be ushered out to her outer darkness where a new Obama tax evading appointee can be foisted upon the American landscape quoting Shira laws, increasing the pile of dead bodies and having debauchery reign supreme, or, will like Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller, a miraculous outcome be initiated.
Time will only tell the saga of the quiet resolution of the Democrats in the Senate looking giddy mournful to get to appoint a new liberal to the court without the GOP saying a word, but if this was Clarence Thomas, everyone knows Pelosi would be demanding a test to see if a sick Justice could run a mile dash, do 5000 pushups and pass an intelligence test for 140 IQ.
It is allot like Sen. Tim Johnson, Tom Daschle's twin, in getting a free ride in the Senate where a Republican would be made to walk the plank proving they were of Olympic stuff to serve America.

I do pray Ruth Bader Ginsburg finds Jesus as her Savior for all of her sins as He is the only Way to forgiveness and God with eternal Life. That though is her choice and in my choice I have shown her more love than her type has ever blinked over in millions of dead who never got a headline.

Millions die shut out of health care deliberately by political parties funding people like Tom Daschle as part of the cropping program. Millions more are lingered to death for their insurance dollars. The elite though seem to be cured.

Oh joy though, more Obama "thoughts and prayers" and more strained photos of him thinking about who will he appoint to the Supreme Court.
Maybe Michelle will divorce him so she can be appointed and rule from the court too.


Etta James

I have never met Etta James, so I'm not aware of her politics nor what kind of person she is. This spot therefore is not so much focusing on Ms. James calling Birdie Obama a big eared black who is not her President, nor is it going to address so much her saying she was going to whoop Beyonce's butt.
What I will be addressing though is another exclusive of only this blog in how the Colin Powell's were trampling over the Martin King day, which they just demanded to have, in order to get to Obama's inauguration.

It has been quite disgusting to witness liberals in their Obama collective memory of 3 seconds in their lifetimes in not giving a care or a nod to anyone who paved the way for them.

Birdie Obama has Beyonce sing, Ms. James' signature song, At Last, at the 170 million dollar Obama circus and pony show, but has no idea who Etta James is and the exact struggles she had even more than Barack Obama.
Ms. James was a bastard, in having a father who did not acknowledge her in public. Her mother said her dad was Minnesota Fats, the legendary pool shark. Ms. James did state whoever her father was, did indeed pay child support in an era when men never did, but his self made woman did it all without trying to be a Marxist as Barack Obama is.

What Obama did was akin to if Frank Sinatra was still alive and George Bush had asked Britney Spears to sing New York New York. It was a terrible slap at a person of Grammy winning talent and someone who has suffered a great deal in her life.

It is amazing in this to note that Bruce Springstein can whine about John McCain using his music or some other leftist whiner which the liberals just love, but have Ms. James voice her disdain for Barack Obama and Beyonce, it is suddenly a horrid thing.

What is horrid is the ill treatment which liberals have given blacks. For years, they put before America people like Booker T. Washington, the Tuskegee Airmen, Martin King as the "blacks can make it too" propaganda, but once they have this Obama guy in place who is 12% black and 88% other races, then all of these black pioneers are absolutely doormats.

I actually found Beyonce, who honestly is a mixed race black who is appearing more like Rush Limbaugh's magic negro, Birdie Obama, in continuously getting lighter shades of Michael Jackson white, to have even upset Miss Aretha Franklin who brushed her and the music academy off as tyring to start something in payback, when Beyonce referred to Tina Turner as the "Queen" when everyone knows Aretha is the Queen of Soul, talk about no R E S P E C T.

That is the problem in initiating a 12% black kid, born British, raised in Indonesia, did his slumming in sunny Hawaii, vacationed in Pakistan, was a tourist in Kenya and was mentored by Bill Ayers. He like this new Obama generation of blacks have no idea nor care about the things Clarence Thomas spoke of in you just didn't look at a white woman or you ended up lynched.
For black women, the opposite in if you looked down a white man in those years, you got taught a lesson on your back and ended up pregnant.

The many shades of Obama and this black coture which now inhabits the land have this Kwanza attitude that dressing up like some drapery sack in bright colors makes you black.
Got news for you historians, there is no Kwanza, and most of the blacks in Africa never wore those loud prints. Dinkas wore ash in fact on their skin to the Masai who wore cheetah skins.
Of course those people had long spears and shooed away people like the Luo of Obama's tribe when they tried to round them up for slave profits, but the ones in Oprahs's clan marched down to the beach and ended up in America.

This was the only blog and only place which featured the first American black who was a real President in Joseph Jenkins Roberts, the first President of Liberia. Where is any acknowlegement of him by liberals who think in helping Obama usurp the White House that they have now made history.

There are far too many blacks who have been cast aside, trampled on and ignored by all of these liberals and that is why Ms. Etta James is featured here. She is owed an apology by Barack Obama, Beyonce and everyone of these liberals who think people like people like President Roberts and Grammy winner Etta James just does not matter, because they got these new negroes now who by miracle are turning whiter with every camera click.

I found it bizarre that when Barack Obama was debating or pouting against John McCain in the 3rd debate that one could see a definite sheen of greying or whiteness beginning in his hair, yet presto, his hair is darker recently and his skin is turning pale depending upon which appearance he is attending.

In knowing how all people in the White House have their hair turn white within a few years as it is a very aging job, I'm really curious to see if Obama's polling numbers will have him going for the white haired black negro look, the Marxist Mandella look of grey highlights or if the old shoe polish will be in full use to give the masses the polling Obama they desire.
Oprah has been outed as having different shades of her to sell the white folks. It will be interesting to see which shades of Obama sell his pity party best.

Ms. James though has it right as she has exposed what color Barack Obama really is, green with envy, yellow with cowardice and pale with thoughtlessness as he does the Colin Powell stomp on the Martin King era black folks.

The different shades of Obama. I think I like the Malcolm X shade in the black and white 50's pin up, because now Birdie seems a little too Michael Jackson TIME white.
All unretouched photos of the many experiments in Barack Obama's skin color for apparent political appeal. I guess I'm more interested in who tells Birdie, "Sorry you were too colored yesterday and your polls dropped, so we have to make you white, but not too white as all the jungle fever women loose interest and your polls drop too much then too".

It is so much more pleasant having a real Etta James.


Barack Obama Feb. 4, 1967

"While I'm President, I'm not going to stand for this", Barack Hussein Obama, Feb. 4, 1967

Birdie Obama was having a flashback on Feb. 4, 2009, to when he was a wee little lad in Indonesia telling the world, "When I'm President, I'm not going to stand for this!", the problem like when Biride was 7, Birdie at 48, just don't quite get the entire picture in his fantasy.

Obama was complaining royal about Exec's earning huge salaries, so he dictated that they could only earn, $500,000 a year "with stock perks".
Before you start cheering that, I want to explain a few things about this as what is good for the rich will be Barack Obama next telling retirees, "I'm not going to stand for old people earning more than minimum wage with the country in this mess, so it is $500 bucks a month and that is it. No more vacations, no more heat, you geezers can put on a sweater!".

One has to understand that exec's earning a million dollars a year don't buy a home like yours at 250,000 or the Buick for 18,000 dollars. They live in New York, where monthly rent on an apartment is 15,000 dollars just for one which doesn't have holes in the walls and rats.
Picture have bought a $120,000 Mercedes, your kids are in $25,000 a year prep school, your mortgage on your $3 million home is due, and Barack Obama just told you your salary is being cut in half.
Just like you couldn't make it, these rich people can't make it.

Once again before you gloat and think they deserve it, these rich people pay huge amounts for Social Security which fund your parents retirement and health care. They buy things which Detroit builds and other things which all of us indirectly owe our jobs to so we live.
Birdie Obama in one swoop has set off a high end wave of bankruptcy and foreclosures on the rich, equal to Bill Clinton putting that rich man tax on yachts which destroyed the yachting business and threw a bunch of middle class people out of work.

Granted, business exec's should not be paid bonus money for loosing money, especially when it is taxpayer money doing it, but for Obama to be once again being a 10 year old acting without thinking is evidence he has no idea how to be in the White House.

There is a backlash on Obama, ABC is now following this blog in showing Obama's perks as in the White House worth a fortune, private jets, private chefs, private drivers, private security, private pampering galore in these hard economic times.

Birdie though in his orchid rooms at the White House has instead of putting forth a program to grow jobs, has decided to reward Obama voters.
He follows it up now daily with threats that "America will never recover if something is not done". That of course is an absolute lie, but it is once again the 10 year old throwing a tantrum in not getting hisself's way.

Obama and these nation rapists have been telling the world that if nothing is done the world would end for 4 months now, and the world is still chugging along in this constriction. Birdie telling the world in a national press conference it will end unless he gets his bill is once again a lie which is going to wear thin.
Amazing isn't it with Democrats having complete control of both House and Senate, and yet Birdie Obama can't get his swindle through, because Democrats know this bill won't do a thing and are terrified in 2010 they are going to get booted out of office.

All of this is ridiculous as I have proven this could be fixed for free.

I will believe until being shown proof otherwise, that this is the predicted wave of anti Obama ill will starting to sweep this American nation and the world. His monkey demon appears to have been bound and the Rockefellers with Hillary Clinton are have pinioned Obama's wing feathers so all he is doing is flapping about.
Add to this Russia now moving into central Asia and Obama being challenged on all fronts it is a growing list of what was posted here in, failure, humiliation and utter ruin. This was before any inkling of this was coming and it is only the start.

It is the premier disaster when Salon, still clinging to Obama in this idiotic kickback scheme putting into print that " government is the catalyst for organizing our public resources around what makes the economy strong."
For those who do not get what Joan Walsh at Salon is exposing of Obama with unction, I will interpret it for what it is:

When government controls how money is spent in the private sector driving tax money into "that which makes the economy strong", that is what is defined as National Socialism, or Nazism. That is a fascist dictatorship which Obama and Walsh are going for. Walsh is mystified why Obama is not selling the plan for what it is as Walsh is a fascist, so he misses that Obama can not declare this fascism in public no more than his Marxism or the entire nation in majority will revolt.
I fully realize the national rail system I advocated is right out of Bill Buckley's big brother government, but in my order, there is private investment and a complete weaning off the entire governmental system for private enterprise once the system is in place.
These fascist communists want this garbage perpetual.

America needs the original entrepeneurs of the Dutch East India Company, Hudson's Bay etc... and not this kickback scheme and the perpetual forever draining public funds for idiotic socialist programs that make few rich and make all poor.

Into this, Democrats at the top apparently spend their entire lives evading income taxes as now Solis is being held up by her crooked husband. Frankly in knowing Barack Obama's finances, I wonder who in the GAO is going to be requested by the GOP to audit Barack and Michelle Obama's tax records as they are loopy beyond belief.
As noted, his own home is in the taxed name of a lawyer, which would make that a perk as deep as Tom Daschle's car and driver. See if you are making house payments and TAKING TAX DEDUCTIONS on a home you live in, but is in name owned or taxes being paid by someone else in Chicago, that is income undeclared and in taking tax deductions is a tax fraud.

So it is any wonder with Obama surrounding himself with terrorists and crooks, that his cabinet is nothing but greedy tax cheats, and if one digs a bit deeper, the Obama tax fraud will start surfacing.

All of that, and Birdie Obama is telling the world he has a financial plan which will save the world.

Barack, you can't even find people to hire who are not criminals and you can not even do your own finance without setting off Patrick Fitzgerald investigations which have now nabbed your two best fund raising buddies in Rod Blagojevich and Tony Rezko.

I clearly call upon the GOP to put in your amendments, but DO NOT VOTE FOR THIS OBAMA KICKBACK SCHEME. The bill can be passed by Democrats and you will have done the good you desired in keeping this Frankenomics flopping about in the casket until the economy normally recovers on it's own and comes to life.

I will also tell the GOP to simply put forward a counter bill that this trillion dollars instead of all these kickbacks, be instead given to households in a fair share split lottery for May 30th.
The money would go to people earning under 200,000 a year. The poor would have then more than enough to pay off bills, yes do some Buckley big brotherness in putting a certain percentage in retirement and college education for children, put in a medical deferment and these million plus poor households would still all be "rich".
They would then in good greed, go out and build new homes, buy new things, and put a real economic recovery into motion providing good jobs.

In taxes the government would make it all back in a few months as the money exchanging hands would in 20 passes at 5% tax on the dollar return it all to the government.
It would be cheaper, the economy would really over heat, and in the end, there would be no need for welfare as all the poor people would be rich.
The net return would save trillions of dollars while making trillions of dollars.

See if Birdie and the big boys and girls were really interested in recoveries and helping America and the world, they would make it simple in this Jubilee rebate, and actually accomplish something, instead of putting into a plan of embezzling money for their cronies.

Mr. Prime Minister, you are an idiot, a liar, a con artist and a Marxist.


PS: May you find Jesus as your Savior Justice Ruth Ginsburg as now is the time to stop denying Him.

Salon fascism

Obama Marxism

Another Obama tax crook

*Mr. Patrick Fitzgerald, audit with the IRS, Barack and Michelle Obama's tax fraud.