Thursday, May 14, 2009

Frank's little girl

You keep saying you've got something for me.
something you call love, but confess.
You've been a messin' where you shouldn't have been a messin'
and now someone else is gettin' all your best.

Imagine an interesting world where George W. Bush had ruined for example, American media after going to the White House, and then handed it over to the National Rifle Association members and gave control to CBS to the Saudi royal family he was doing business with.........
Yet Barack Obama did the same thing with the American auto industry, turning GM over his union backers and made sure Chrysler was gobbled up by his European benefactors.

You keep lying, when you oughta be truthin'
and you keep losin' when you oughta not bet.
You keep samin' when you oughta be a changin'.
Now what's right is right, but you ain't been right yet.

Imagine if after going to the White House if George W. Bush had ordered the United States military to start to assassinate Jewish leaders who were in competition with Benjamin Netanyahu, all so Bush and Netanyahu could instigate a Condi Rice peace plan with the "good Jews" in the region.
Yet that is exactly what Barack Obama did in having the US military assassinate competitor Taliban and al Qaeda leaders all so he could instigate a Richard Holbrooke peace plan with "good terrorists".

You keep playin' where you shouldn't be a playin
and you keep thinkin' that you´ll never get burnt.
I just found me a brand new box of matches yeah
and what he knows you ain't HAD time to learn.

Imagine after getting in the White House if George W. Bush had told blacks that they had better start getting their financial house in order as he was the only thing keeping the pitchforks in the mobs from being used on them. Imagine if George W. Bush had daily in the press told the world that a good black crisis was too good to let slip by and blamed blacks for all that was wrong with America.
Yet that is exactly what Barack Obama did with the American financial industry bringing a recovering industry which Bush43 saved by January into strangulation by February.

It will be interesting when Americans who trusted Obama figure out the above and more.

These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do
one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.


my apologies to Frank's little girl

Technical Difficulties

Technical difficulties have reached this blog in readers might remember I have been busy with carpentry and husbandry in making dwelling quarters for some goats which I have been moved to acquire.
Being the good Yankee, although I dislike New Englanders for being liberal bone heads and my kin vacated that area after birthing this fine United States, I always think if one of something is good, the two should be great.
So I built a second hutch for my new residents for future use, and more near future use in deciding some rare poultry I had would benefit from a nice spot to brood a flock this coming summer.

Being a bit behind in work, I had not gotten the birds moved, but upon looking outside 2 days ago, I saw one of my cats coming toward the house with something I deemed was a vole she had caught.
I'm not a cat person, but cats do love me when not biting me.

My cats are from a kitten named Jumper which my nephews found and of course they decided years ago that I would make a wonderful home for her.
Jumper would travel the world and leave behind a rather angora kitten which for lack of better names I called Puss.
Puss will always be my sentimental cat as she was furry, not that pretty and was a killer. That cat seemed to be able to kill anything much to my displeasure as she proudly brought home one day a teal hen for her kittens.
Fittingly and much to my sorrow, Puss was killed on my doorstep by a great horned owl, leaving only a blood trail. Thank you to the Federal wildlife agencies which signed treaties and put all that murderous wildfowl on the protected list so it murders hosts of little innocent pets and creatures yearly.

Puss would have a Sparky which growled at me constantly, but loved me. She lived for an incredible age, and the cats running about my hacienda now are her family.
I have many colors and two which I call demon cats, as they are furry, a sick soot grey and these yellow eyes which are quite spooky.
One happens to be the above moral of this story in a rather non descript angora, whose vole turned out to be a kitten by other reports I received from knowledgeable sources.

Yesterday I noted the kitten was under a pile of literal junk mewing constantly, but I learned long ago not to mother kittens or they either die after you get attached or you end up with piles of more cats.

So this evening I was told to look in my new goat chicken hutch, and here curled up in the back, under my chicken nests was this one little black cat, eyes not opened, and content as the Queen in her palace in the nicest little nest.

I guess like my bunnies of last season in my garden and my wild turkeys, that I will be taking the back space again in plans as the new residents take command of my bunker. I guess a cat now has me in being one of the youngest homeowners in America with more space than Ted Turner.

I will presume like all things in life, I'm being delayed for a better future. One would think that a cold blooded, rootin' tootin', whatever like me from Unforgiven would not be making room in a world for a creature that is off the books, but yet the palace cat at least had a palace for as long as it stays.

Just a thought, it would be nice if Birdie Obama had 1 millionth the compassion on those tens of thousands of his deluded voters at Chrysler who are being booted out of their small businesses, fixing and selling cars.

Difference of character when technical difficulties arise.


Obama Sims

Well this is reich, I mean rich, no God meant Reich, so that is where we will go with this in Birdie Obama now stated that his massive American debt can not be sustained and will lead to massive interest rate spikes.

See Obama knows he is destroying America, but is doing it anyway and the reich part is, now he is trying to head off the fallout by stating in his simulated neighborhood that interest rate spikes will be coming too.
Obama reasons if he starts speaking about the prophesy of the future now that when it does happen he won't be blame for it.
It is a great deal like a rapist though in warning a person, "Hey you better get checked just in case for VD as I might have given it to you."

The shaft is exactly what the mansexual Obama has given America deliberately. He is now using the coming doom to feed the next Obama takeover of America in the health industry. Clouded in that Mengele dust of rationed dying care, in which you die while Obama's rich folks get the care is his sudden concern over "credit card debt".
Obama could care less about po' folks, but is more interested in making sure that key credit card banks aren't the one's hording consumer funds in loan shark rates, and only Obama's benefactors get into that last drop of blood.

That is the turnip Obama has been squeezing in every drop of blood from corporations offshore accounts to do business in beating out the Eurasians in bribes which create American jobs, personal offshore savings accounts and now the credit card billions, as Obama is after every last cent of independent wealth to exterminate personal freedom to be replaced by Obama control.

Wonderfully Obama is spiking the personal debt in almost 9% of credit card debt is now unpaid, which is a record amount. Obama makes the ploy like he is looking out for consumers, but is screwing them over mega time.

His wonderful imported Chinese communist cars while having Geithner stick in the knife to Chrysler and GM is but one of a growing trend for Obama in saying he is looking out for Americans in credit debt, but destroying their jobs in a another.

Want to know the further heil Obama part of this?

Guess who I heard the other day urging farmers to act for commodity production?

It was none other than Wes Clark of "send Iran the Marine One helo plans". That actually caught me by surprise in wacko Wes has been signed on by the agri business sector of Chicago to leverage higher prices and the continued frankenfood industry by getting farmers call Congress and scream at them.
Sort of like getting Colin Powell to get Catholics to use the pill. He has no more expertise than Clark nor connection with the field, but no one seems to be looking at just who in Chicago is shelling out a mountain of money in advertising funds to get an authorization passed which has not even appeared in the news.

I would suspect that if Obama's cartel is working below the radar on frankenfood then there are numerous other areas people have not yet noticed and probably never will as the cartel leverages niche areas and gets Pelosi and Reid to pass things no one is aware of, because who pays attention to cereal grains.

Well yes Obama does if it is after General Mills and Cheerios. I can only imagine like Intel being fined by those marxist Europeans for beating their rotten computer industry that Obama must have some Chicomios he is going to be importing to destroy the American cereal industry too which Warren Buffet just invested in over there.
Ingredients for Chicomios will be the finest American oats, salted with rat poop, saw dust floor shavings from Canton and when the 6 year olds start croaking from pesticide sweeteners like toothpaste did, then the warning label will be, "Warning might contain an Obama product which can kill you, but die now as your Chicom fortune cookie is cooked".

So Obama agrees with this blog that his massive debt, massive borrowing and massive lies, are about to destroy America in replacing the dollar with a European currency as was intended all along.
Obama is competing with the American consumer in loans from banks in he actually is borrowing 50 cents on ever dollar he is spending. Banks can not loan that much money, so interest rates will go up as money supply constricts and all those Americans treading water which were saved by George Bush, are going to find massive interest payments on their homes, student loans and car payments.

Don't worry though as Obama has you buying Chinese cars now manufactured by Warren Buffett, is loaning you money for a worthless education as slave labor does not require a college degree and your banks are now under Obama control as Geithner eyes the small local banks to get at their cash reserves.

...........and gee bin Laden is still alive and well heading into the Obama "I know how to get bin Laden sweepstakes", well he ain't got yet Obama and the only people you are killing off are the American consumer.

agtG 256

Obama says

Buy me a Chicom

I is too as great as I says I am

There is something really incredibly wrong with Barack Obama and his supporters (Yeah I know that is not news) but to see it in such a thin skinned way is remarkable.

See Arizona invited the Obama one to do the keynote address, but refused to bow to Obama in handing out one of those worthless honorary degrees. Apparently Obama has lusted in his heart for 40 years over getting an Arizona degree, as that is what his entire speech was bitching about.

The U had stated no degree would be given because Obama has not accomplished anything, to which Obama said his wife agreed in her long laundry list of to do things, to which he agreed he had more rapine to do on the America to make the b*tch pay for not putting out for him. (That is psychologically what the teleprompter head was getting at.)

To listen to this diatribe though is incredible when one couples it with Obamites posting on the New York Daily News defending how great Obama is.
As these people would have with glee loved the snub against George W. Bush, it is fitting to see what Obama has not accomplished with the lowly Bush 43.

Has Obama flown a fighter jet?

Has Obama ever landed a fighter jet on an aircraft carrier?

Has Obama ever served in the United States military?

Has Obama ever once tried to start a business of his own?

Has Obama ever run a major league baseball team?

Has Obama ever earned 1 dollar in his life from a real paying job not funded by taxpayers?

Has Obama ever visited the sick and wounded Soldiers from his war?

Has Obama ever not been unfaithful to his wife?

Has Obama ever as a child come home daily with a purpose to make his mother smile when his sister died or did he just abandon his mother to die alone with cancer?

See Obama thinks having your entire world given to you for political tricks is an accomplishment, but yet deep down his rant reveals he knows very well he is fake or else he and his followers would not be so thin skinned at a university not handing out a faux degree.

Birdie Obama knows how worthless and fake he is, and so do his Obamite sheep, or they would not be on the Daily News acting like he was God Almighty or His Son, like this was some snub, when in fact it was reality.

One can only hope that the Vatican intervenes and forces Notre Dame to stop playing the Whore of Obama and makes them disinvite Obama from their commencement exercises as that should be very rich to hear him whine over that one.

But hey, I'm you're messiah, you have got to......................


Daily News

Mr. Netanyahu Tear Up These Walls

This blog has deep compassion for resident Jews, Philistines and Neo Syrians crammed together into the Israeli state with all the world coming up with plans that only effectively inflame everyone in continuing the chaos.

I hope with the following to solve a portion of this which does indeed require something to be done as too many Marxist powers are attempting as King Abdullah of Jordan was flaming about, in starting a horrendous war next year if everyone doesn't get the peach they are all fighting over which can not be divided.

I see this as Jews are being asked to give up everything and they gain absolutely no security, but a burgeoning problem of too many world Jews like the idea of some other Jews dying for Jerusalem, while they sit in security and comfort.

The plan I put forth is simple for Mr. Netanyahu. He sends out European Simone Peres to visit the Pope who was just visiting the area and signing onto the "homeland for the Philistines".
Peres tells the Pope this, "OK, you want a homeland Pope Ben, so you go meet your central European players and tell them this, "The Jews will give a homeland in 7 years on these conditions:

Condition 1: Jews not only have full access to Temple Mount, but Mr. Netanyahu is going to tear up the walls there in building a 3rd Temple, which you want Pope, which Jews want and which American Christians will sign off on.

Condition 2: The Neo Syrian Philistines will have control over their areas, but the first bullet, rock, fire bomb or missile coming from any area, that area ceased to be part of the "Palestinian State" and is annexed forever by the Israeli state with the "Palestinians" expelled to other United Nation enclaves.
The Palestinians will work for peace and those who do not, will forfiet the areas they are in as penalty.

Those are the only conditions and in them it requires the Philistines to police themselves or they start having areas annexed as war booty.
The Europeans backing such a plan get the thing the Rothschilds are after in Temple Mount with a new Temple being built they will desecrate in offering to the illuminated one.

Jews get their security and Temple.

The Philistine get their nation in 7 years if they prove they can police themselves and prove they can share the Jebusite location. 7 years will be good practice and teaching the Philistines to behave peacefully.

Build the 3rd Temple Mr. Netanyahu with the Pope's blessing. Stop asking the Philistines what they want, but instead give these conditions to Obama, the Saudi group and the Europeans and go forward as it requires the Philistines to actually give up something to get something for the first time, instead of Jews giving away the entire store and then having the burglar bashing in the owners head after.

God bless



In always, constantly, perpetually, always, (oh I said that) in looking out for the American Prime Minister B. H. Obama, this blog is here to serve the slave master of America in helping hisself once again out of a jam sandwich.
It appears Obama is the eternal floor painter who for some reason always paints hisself into a corner after telling the world how pretty things are going to be.

See. Birdie Obama like Nancy Pelosi, conned a great number of deluded people not only in America, but around the world, that Gitmo Detention Facility was evil as George Bush was bad and unnecessary like freedom for Americans.
The problem is now once reality has soaked in (That reality is political in Obama now has been informed if he turns the terrorists free, they will murder bushels of people. That is what matters to Obama as he tries re election and like all liberals could care less if people got murdered. This is why the Abu Gharib photos did not matter in thousands of people getting slaughtered when liberals used these photos to hammer Bush, but now Obama will not release photos for the reason people will get slaughtered on is watch and make him look bad.
Narcissims meets reality and Obama is not protecting any Americans nor world citizens, but is only concerned about hisself.), that Obama is now faced with being exposed as another idiot policy which sounds good to cheering Obamites, but doesn't sound so good in letting wolves among the bleating sheep.

So this blog once again weighs in to assist Barack Obama on how to get hisself out of this mess and solve this for America. See I do this all alone, except for my heavenly Father, the real Messiah Jesus the Christ and Their Holy Spirit guiding me.
I do not have Axelrod Inc. I do not have the Obama teleprompter and I don't have Peggy Noonan nor Noel Sheppard's wet pantie glowing words saying how great I is.

As someone in the White House always has to keep their word once uttered, Gitmo as a detention center for terrorists must cease that part of the war on terror.
It is insane to try and foist these terrorists upon other nations nor put them into American states, although I would like nothing better than Minneapolis, New York, Cleveland, Detroit, San Francisco and any other Obama haven to have this mess in their backyards for the simple joy of it, Obama has now stated these terrorists will never face trail, but be held like Castro's political prisoners for eternity.
So much for the law of Obama in looking out for all the folks.

The solution is to take back some of the islands which Bill Clinton handed over to the Bolshevik Russians in the Aleutian chain of islands in Alaska. These islands were fought over in World War II and many of them were already federalized in being military outposts.
Pick a nice windswept, stormy, sea bashed ice haven in the Arctic Ocean and build a several hundred million dollar facility to imprison these terrorists forever, or at least until some American is elected President and these terrorists are then correctly tried in a military tribunal, with no appeals, and the verdict if guilty of any charge, they are executed and buried at sea.

Now this will cost several hundred million dollars, but the facility will be open to Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Israel etc.... for a terrorist questioning center as well as imprisonment.
No press will be allowed for security reasons and liberals will stop using American security as a political tool to gain power and then do worse things than what they were accusing President Bush of doing.........when he was not doing it.

It is all so much easier Birdie and the maniacs if one is a Christian listening to God and not trying to tear down America which gets innocent people murdered.

nuff said.


PS: Am so pleased that Nance Pelosi now has revamped her waterboarding story as 3rd time in now she says she was deceived by Bush officials.
Nancy darling, please dear, that story which shows Porter Goss got exactly what the CIA was saying when they said WATERBOARDING, meant waterboarding, means normal people comprehend things and you are dumb as a post in not being able to understand English.

But it is wonderful Nance that you are taking the terrorist vocabulary in trying to fudge the lines as now you have admitted you are mentally incapable of understanding things along with being a liar, liar, liar.

Wonderful idea liberals you had in using Gitmo, as now it is ruining you among your own supporters.

PSS: Sorry Alaska for dumping the Obama problem on you, but Patriots, ask yourself, "Do you really want terrorists housed on the islands off California, knowing how they will probably release them?"
You folks if the terrorists somehow do survive arctic waters will at least shoot them on sight, ending the Obama policy problem

Paint away Birdie, as you have a dozen more corners in your room.