Monday, September 28, 2009


Have you ever had a situation happen in your life where you have been devastated and expected some human sympathy, but instead had people ignore your grief and run like a stampede for someone else with same problem, and you were left sitting in shock thinking, "HUH?"

I felt that way in watching a movie which Oprah Winfrey is producing. It is an all black movie manipulation to win an Oscar in this age of Obama, which creates the most ugly fat black woman one could think of, makes her the repeated victim of incest (pedophilia) to which she gets pregnant twice, and tosses in a crack whore abusive mother beating on this "kid" who is larger than an NFL lineman.
Sure it uses the Oprah Winfrey background and sure it picks a subject that shocks, but as I sat watching it with commentary from numbers of black stars who were part of the project, I was left thinking, "HUH?", just as I was when Cynthia McFadden rose up in a smear peace on "incivility" in America.

For one year now, I have watched Oprah Winfrey and the entire black entertainment community, enable, endorse and embark on the serial rape of the Sarah Palin family. This is an innocent group of women who have had Obama term them lipstick on pigs degrading them to the rape of David Letterman humor on innocent young girls.
Not once did Oprah or any of these black entertainers demand Obama stop these assaults no more than if they saw a rape happening and simply pulled the curtains as they didn't want to get their guy into trouble.

Yet Mariah Carey was speaking about crying at every scene for FICTIONAL PEOPLE in a movie just as Oprah Winfrey was speaking about how the subject just sucked the breath out of the room.

I was wondering how large the Obama racism is, because when Mr. Obama went about to expose John Edwards affair and then destroy him before the DNC in the most dastardly of political rapine, concerning children, a marriage and a wife battling cancer, where was any one of the Obama supporters making the call to Obama telling him Axelrod Inc. had entered rapine territory.

What about the family of Donald Young having that investigation into his brutal murder, a black Chicago family, of an intimate friend of Barack Obama, where is one Oprah tear for a movie about necessary justice?

Is it Oprah believes some white people are deserving of assault and some black families are expendable as long as the political sex births a stolen election?

Hillary Clinton's female followers were branded, intimidated, assaulted literally and threatened. Yet this Obama gang remained silent and remains silent.

Bearick Obama with Nancy Pelosi and his economic benefactors raped the United States economy, ruining millions of investors retirement accounts. Obama currently is holding the elderly hostage in no cost of living increases and threatening his death panels.

Just why is it that Obama backers can weep, lament and use fictional incest on film to win awards, and use it in real life to steal elections, and cry over it happening to black people of a certain sort, but it is quite the "they asked for it" seduction in their court of immoral lawlessness.

The good evil and the evil good. Of course this Oprah project will win Oscars and whatever else the propaganda intends. Strange though as a little black teenage girl was photographed in bliss having her hip locked onto Obama's hip in Rome and Obama caught in a photo looking at a 16 year old girl from Brazil in what was going on in his mind elsewhere, do not seem to register with Oprah Winfrey in her sexual assault background as a danger warning to society.
Just as Obama's 11 year old child, dressed in whorish ghetto type clothing whose message in that society conveys exactly that sex is for sale, especially when tagged with a half dressed black male with bling while parading down the street.

Hypocrisy is one thing one finds disgusting in this Oprah blurred registration of what is acceptable, but when it is happening deliberately by Bearick Obama and Oprah Winfrey stands by that is a point of aiding criminality.

Silence as Jews were led to death work camp slaughter was criminal. Silence when the Palin Ladies are assaulted is criminal.

The Obama voters for their psychopathy can not see those facts. They have based criminal acts to propaganda, Oscar awards and tears shed for people only "like them".

Precious is the name of Oprah Winfrey's movie only. Precious in reality is protecting every living being from assault no matter if they are like us or not.

That is what God blessed human hearts comprehend and uphold.


The Obama Rub

When I was a child, I used to amaze the delinquents in being found out I had no curfew, no time to be home and no restrictions upon my travels.
The subject never came up from my parents as I concluded I was to conduct myself responsibly and be home at an appropriate time.

I believe God had a great deal of measure in assisting me from getting into situations which I in normal teenage mode would get myself into.
I do not will to leave the impression I did not have my moments as I as quite vocal and found myself the recipient of school bus drivers constantly setting me in the front seat, but all in all God was very good to me in when I did act up like throwing a car in reverse, flooring it, cramping the wheel off hard in a school parking lot with everyone knowing it was me at a dance, laying 4 nice squealing black marks on the pavement, that it was exactly 30 seconds before a police patrol cruised through and I was innocent of course.
Indulging oneself is the surest form of not usually harming others or leaving the impression they will have to hunt you down for an opportunity to repay you in spades.

The story being missed in the Bank of America company now closing the books on ACORN funding is the fact that the story was covered here months ago in what this genesis is about.

Remember now that BOA was conned into buying the prize of Merrill Lynch by Sec. Paulsen. They were in sound financial states while the rest of the globalist rapist robbers were falling apart.
Ken Lewis the CEO of BOA took on that farce out of patriotism and almost ruined his banking company.

This was compounded when Mr. Lewis, who is a real American hero went into a meeting where all bankers were being threatened to take government money, even when they did not need it for the public perception, and once again for the good of America led the situation that if Bank of America took the money, all would do this for a patriotic reason.

In return, pitchforks Obama threatened American bankers, smeared American bankers creating a larger strangulation for the American economy, because a good crisis could not be wasted for Obama policy.
Bank of America about this time found that the deal they really didn't want with Merrill Lynch was costing them billions more then they knew in debt and then there was that little matter of all those bonus kickbacks making them look horrid.

One can remember those liberal asses in Congress working the American bankers over the coals like Keith Ellison of Minnesota, a true and native Obama archetype.
These liberals crucified Bank of America and the heroic Ken Lewis.

Mr. Lewis for all his help for America was harmed greatly and reduced at BOA. Now that brings the Obama rub in Bank of America terminating ties with ACORN which makes no sense for them to be running this operation unless it was some blackmail operation of quid pro quo in the first place. A situation of affirmative monetary action or you will get Justice Department and IRS action on your books non stop like Bill Gates received until he buckled.

This is a most positive sign that a major American bank has the fortitude now to take a deliberate slap back at Bearick Obama. He threatened them with pitchforks, and they just put a big CANCEL on his election stealing front group.

That is payback and it is why one does not slap around large corporations as their CEO's and patrons do not forget and will retaliate in their select way. There are thousands of these individuals now in new jobs, in old contacts and in positions who know exactly the monetary scam which Obama and his benefactors pulled off.
There are headlines like BOA ending ties with ACORN, but there are certainly hundreds of small leverages occurring which will mount as time progresses.

It is no secret that the Democrats money supply from donors has dried up completely. Rich liberals do not like being called evil in their guilt money and do not want the reality of 50 million Mexicans tying up their physicians time in the Obama death panel plan.

I applaud Bank of America and hope this is the first of a balancing in what was undeservedly done to Ken Lewis. Too many Americans got robbed and beaten up by the Obama highway men. Payback is coming from the most important and powerful people. The Rockefellers, the Clintons and now BOA are just the biggest players which Obama has run up against.

Obama's monkey in his pants has run out. There will be a false glass floor under him for some time, but once that shatters, it is as the old saying goes:

You didn't help us on your way up Mr. Obama, so do not expect us to help you from going down.

Ken Lewis is in the process of having his accounts balanced in a Spiritual forum.

agtG 227

Nothing like Meghan McCain with a keyboard

I was pondering a few seconds longer than was necessary to comprise a judgment that like Mao jr, Obama jr, Khadaffi jr, Reagan jr, Chelsea jr, Kim jr, I really have no space in my intelligence files for one more named Megs McCain jr.

Somehow when it comes to liberal brats, they believe that because the old man butchered a few million people or saved the world, that in their minds there comes an attachment clause like a mouse in a pocket, that just because someone listened to daddy, what they have to say has more phonic resonance than some coke head puking up green bile in a latrine on 42nd street New York in withdrawal.

This is the "feeling" that I get for Meghan McCain as this little bat brain spreads her graffiti of thought all over the internet in first attacking Americans and then like Pegs Noonan weighing in on such lofty subjects as the communist Prime Minister of Spain's commie children are photographed with Obama and the pictures are flooded all over the internet against Spanish Law.
Megs just can not believe that there is a nation which protects children. Perhaps that is from her hanging around with the Letterman cocktail crowd of pedophiles so long in accepting perverse behavior.
The point in this though is "who gives a rat's pajamas about some Obama incident" involving more children. The thing I was expecting in the story was Obama was feeling up the kids as he progressed from his Roman unholiday in sexualizing not only his daughter Queenie as a ghetto ho in the company of a half naked adult male and this treatment of American children there.

I seem to recall that it was Megs McCain who was weighing in on that subject too, but not interested in protecting Queenie Obama from her perverted profane parents, but was instead attacking Republican bloggers for daring to call Queenie out for looking trashy.

This all seems to portend of some trend among these rich brats of well to do people. I know my relative in Charles Darwin upon gleaning enough of the Wedgwood fortune, had a child die on him which made him so distraught that he started scribbling without God and ended up producing that fiction called evolution.
Literally if one beholds the terrorists of 9 11, they are all affluent punks who turned to terrorism.

Sheik bin Laden, a well to do educated kid who turned to violence. Dr. Zawahiri the same critter.

Perhaps Chelsea Clinton terrorized enough people in her youth by puking on London streets that she has vomited her way over the Patty Hearst days, and might just find a nice Conservative gentleman to make Hillary a grandma 12 times over, but this seems to not be the case for girls like Ron Reagan jr. or Megs McCain jr.
Ron does a mean job now in judging poodle contests, so perhaps he has gone through his terrorizing America phase, but here is little Megs McCain using the keyboard of terrorism to ejaculate worthlessness that would have Bill Safire quipping again about the nattering nabobs of nuttery.

What is it that is issued in John McCain's sperm and his wife's ovum that when jiggled up that they spawn a keyboard terrorist is something that is as much a mystery of the hidden sands of Muslimia which turns out so many rich kids with terror on their minds.

To think the Dailybeast wasted space on Megs unlofty thoughts about something so worthless when Soldiers are dying in Afnamistan and why her old man punted the football and lost in 2008 is just something these Noonan pontificators of punditry self promotion can only comprehend in their speed byte memories already maxed out.

What other subjects will Megs weigh in on?

Zits, the recycling of tampons, how to keep up 6 bedrooms in 6 different mansions your daddy owns, or how about, how to make yourself appear important just because your old man paved the way.

Let us face the facts. Donald Trump would not have bedded and impregnated 3 hot chics if he was Goober Pyle pumping gas. Big bank accounts latched him those gigs.
If Teddy Kennedy had been Teddy O'Malley he would have served the last 20 years of his life in prison for being a sexual predator.
If Oprah was not the "black folk pet negro" of white liberalism, she would fulfilling her destiny now scamming the welfare state just like she scams people in "Oprah give aways" which make local people fund the give away".

So Meghan McCain, do you really think if you were not a sell out political whore of the left taking shots at Conservative, Christian, Patriotic America, that you would be featured anywhere?

If you were real Meghan McCain you would be crucified like someone who is real in Sarah Palin. Instead, you are conned like into your own self delusion into thinking you amount to something.

Children should be seen before being packed off to play with their toys and not heard from again until they have proven they can deal in an adult world with subjects that matter.
For the record, you are worse than you old man who stole from me two lines in the "cocktail crowd" and "to make everyone a millionaire" which I published extensively here and were picked up by your campaign flunkies without due credit.
You Megs are not even bright enough to perform intellectual theft, but instead rely on the vacuous Bruce Chilton mental nature of the lint of thought in your floofy poofer mind.

So dear blonde child, acting like a complete blonde stereotype, put up or shut up as your nattering is getting in the way of the real debate for God's Salvation of America which you birthed along with your old man's liberal policies and getting Obama elected.

I should have sued you McCain's asses to poverty for stealing from what God Inspired in me to give to the world of thought. I wouldn't have needed to do that if you McCain's had any honor and paid for what you pilfered.

Your fifteen minutes are past twenty now Megs. Try giving Junior Reagan a call as I am sure he could use the help in the Noel Sheppard division of the latrine retriever judging at the next poodle contest.

Poodles one and all, terrorists of the keyboards just like the AKC is the criminal of the dog world. The French in the salad days of Montecalm had a dog named the poodle they bred for North Sea retrieving of sea ducks and geese. The fabulous dog had a wool coat that was buoyant and due to lanolin impervious to water and cold.
Breeders though got involved and turned a noble breed into a patrician mongrel which just stinks now and is an anachronism for Chicago pansy.

Your old man at least took his beating and held up the seadog line. His whining and apologizing for Rep. Joe Wilson though proves he too is a poodle of current breeding. Until either of you learn to use a keyboard or find a briefcase full of cash to pay for words plundered from others, try silence and let it be golden for the world at large.

Invite all your liberal friends for the same verbal vacation. I hear Obama is handing out free tickets for his next series of vacations while Soldiers die.

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PS: The photo above is not Meghan McCain as I can not stomach looking at any more stupidity. I instead will call this woman, Meghan's good brunette twin, Sarah McPalin, the person who should have headed the 2008 GOP ticket and the Lady who is actually expressing points changing the world.

PS 2: Bill Buckley, Robert Novak and now Bill Safire, slim pickings in American thought now for those who enjoy thinking with a 12 mile razor sword edge.

Nothing like a fat general with ICBM's

I see nepotism is alive and well in Obama's Asian communist buddy brigades in the Chicoms newest general is the porkie fat kid of the butcher of China in Mao Zedong.
People will remember there was quite a house cleaning after Mao went chopsticks up in the PLA ridding China of that gang, but in 39 year old buddy Mao Xinyu, the Kim Jong Il promote thy worthless Khadaffi child is alive and well.

In doing the math, the old Chicom croaked in 1976 and was born two centuries ago, so at 39, the boy general was born in 1970, which means the old man had a taste for the younger comrade chics as he fathered this pudge at the age of 77.
China must have a hell of Social Security program in paying this kids bills for over 30 years and he gets the gold star without the need of passing a physical.

The general of Peking has a bunch of new toys to play with from stolen American technology which will be aimed at American cities and aircraft carriers. He has the Julong 2, which is a submarine based missile, the DF - 31A ICBM, 25 medium range and DF- 11 short range missiles.
So nice American technology is being put to use in the communist world to be pointed at Americans as Obama has the Chinese writing out checks for his debt and Warren Buffett is busy selling Chicom cars to GM.

All of this technology is being filtered down from the PLA to North Korea, Iran, and therefore Syria and every terrorist in the world. Makes one wonder why Obama just doesn't have an open house at Boeing for terrorists and save them all the time, or hand over the ICBM codes of US missiles so they could be targeted at Americans to save the Chicoms the expense.

For those who do not associate with the Chin, they have been busy for decades with advanced warfare. Strange for a nation which uses soldiers as fodder for enemy cannons, but yes the PLA has been breeding germs, miniature nano bots and nuclear bombs to exterminate Americans.
One of the first blogs I published here was an exclusive outlining the progression of SAARS was a Chinese invention or one leaked for them, as they have a history of Chinese citizens dying from escaped germ warfare labs.
I recall in posting that how some doltish nurse was asking where the information came from in a vast discussion which was labeling this blog idiotic or some other word. Apparently the detractors could not figure out how to use a search engine and type in words to find web pages outlining the history of the Chicom WMD horrific mistakes.

I sincerely hope that people who read this blog understand that I love each of you and while the enigma of me calls out to your hearts to contact me, that the distance is there for your protection as all of this is tracked and each of you has pleasant lives and does not need to show up on federal lists collected by computers that have no sense of humor.

Now back to the rice paddy.

It seems that everyone is becoming more concerned about how to manage those 1.3 billion diverse ethnic groups called Chinese in China. Just think of it if Canton had been more interested in killing people than eating fish that the Mandarin type Chin who conquered China would have been enslaved and China would now be Cantonia.
The Mandarins got the short end too, because millet sucks as a military fuel for growing warriors. One is what one eats, and is amazing how all that rice, veggies and raw fish make the Japanese into such horrendous killers.........also gives them stomach cancer.

Oh yes, I was speaking about death by Chinese bombs.

The Indians who are a billion different peoples too are quite concerned about China, or Maoism is their greatest internal security threat. I really conclude the Indians have it wrong as their greatest threat is their soldiery is pansy type and no one can manage that herd of goats which is passive India.
So India trades in a breeding program under Stalin for a cropping program under Mao, the cute little white girls that appear in the cinema and on Letterman live and those pure Hamites get the Mao and Stalin death by starvation treatment. A much greater threat is Chinese and Pakistani nukes inside of India as they make long term radioactivity a glowing Indian unsuccess.
But then the Rothschilds are cropping Indian farmers and selling the poisoned Indian land crops to Americans to poison Americans, so taking a great deal of stock in what Indians conclude is like.........well worrying that the sun will go out when a tiger is gnawing a hole in your door to eat you.

The Chinamen are at the gnawing phase of life. They are weak and looking at a weak Obama that is weakening America, so everyone from Seoul to Peking is shuffling the deck in wondering who can be the big cheese or the big kimchi pot.
Kimchi is interesting in it is chowchow or a spiced version of German sauerkraut. The Koreans claimed it cured SAARS. The Koreans buried thousands of those clay jars around their landscape to ferment and turn into preserved food.
Sure beat that rotten fermented fish and liver flukes one got down in Vietnam. Amazing how things a maggot would not touch will not kill a human if fermented.

The fermenting process though in China is in high gear as they are downsizing when their population needs jobs to expand. Numbers are encroaching on Russian lands to which Moscow ignores for the problem it brings to light.
Such a beautiful place the eastern Russian lands are. Like waking up in a bad movie set in Canada that has not been hosed down. Sort of like an Alaskan Indian dump that looks like it has some pretty good used things still in it.

The Chicoms are going to have to export their people or their people are going to eat the PLA and the party. If someone blows up some nuclear material on the autonomous borders of China and that cloud gets people sick and moving in a would think they would be told to go "northwest young Chin go northwest" which means Russia in 3 months would have 300 to 500 million Chinese illegals a few thousand miles from Moscow. That of course if Obama's wars turn nuclear as he flexed his pipes in 2008 claiming to vaporize vast Mooselum lands.

The good news though for film fans of Kim Jong Il is that Clinton's doctor, yes it sounds bizarre that Clinton has a doctor apparently like Obama tagging along with him 24 hours a day, (probably from his rumored Parkinson's Disease or some sex disease after effects resembling Parkinson's) has issued a report that Kim is not dead, but actually improving after a visit with Bill Clinton.
Amazing what Bill can do in a few hours. It must be the first Obama miracle, or maybe Bill is better at laying on the hands now in not assaulting women, but instead lays on hands to commies and makes them smile brightly.
Perhaps Bill was not scowling in North Korea, but instead drained of fluid essence in the Kim encounter.........well in any case, Kim according to Clinton's doctor is in the peach blossom of health after everyone had him maguffies up.

So Mao jr. is arising in Chicomia. Obama junior has arisen in America. Kim jr. is waiting for the dawn in North Korea and Libya has Khadaffi jr. sexing and peace making his way across the Club Med plain.
Almost looks like a trend worldwide while poor Prince Charles is going to probably beat Queen Liz into the tombs before he gets to set his bottom on anything Queen like.

Trying to think if I missed anything.........

Nope I don't believe so. Insulted a Chicom general, most of the goats over there and praised spiced sauerkraut, while being nice to the Queen on Christ's Throne, while warning that the China lotus blossom is full and ready and waiting for someone to pluck it from the ying yang tree of flow.

I wonder how many millions of people will die from starvation when the kings of the east army marches west in due time toward Har Megiddo. Rhetorical question as it would involve cyclical crops, numbers of people already cropped and the nutrition requirements for an army sent out to not return.

They say the Persians when the marched west to Greece that they drank rivers dry, churned the earth in march like a plowed will be amazing to see a military do that on a thousand times scale.
The Euphrates though has to dry up first as it is written so...........and Turkey has the dams I believe to do it if drought does not help first.

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Floofy Poofer Obama

Well I see hisself has worn hisself out after his New York and Pittsburgh vacations and has to now jet off to Copenhagen, Denmark with the ever present Muchelle for another million dollar vacation in the guise of "bringing the Olympics to Chicago".

That certainly is something which America and Chicago needs with record Obama debt, a strangled economy and over 50% of young people unemployed for Obama to spend a billion dollars more in debt for a bunch of career patrician athletes to prance around in the dickest of "sports" to win gold medals.
No this blog does not like the Olympics. It sees no purpose in prancing around on floors with wands dancing as a sport. It fumes that fun sports where guns are fired, are never ever featured, but all that is shown is perpetual pansy things like swimming, basketball and hermaphrodites running around a track.

The Greeks used to have contests of sports that pitted human against human for nothing but a twig prize. This Olympic village stuff of welfare for athletes in perpetual competition, run by coaches who couldn't get a job in real sports, just is something that speaks of something Obama would be thrilled by.

It is typcial of Obama in this though that he has no time for Soldiers in discussing their lives and deaths he is putting them into jeopardy over in his wars, but can find time to cuddle with terrorists and communists in meetings.
At the drop of a hat, he and his trust horse Trigg........I mean that more beautiful than Jackie Kennedy could ever hope to be Muchelle, jet off in Air Force one to Copenhagen to try and strong arm the Olympic Committee into dumping those games into Chicago, when Chicago Citizens don't even want that floofy poofer stuff.
Chicagoans likes manly games like the Dah Bears in Butkus and Erlacher, not people in pantie hose on rubber mats.

So that makes one wonder as Obama has not time for Soldiers dying for his cause, perhaps the trip was not to just have Trigger put the horse bite on the Olympic pansies. (I must apologize here to Trigger as he was a magnificient animal ridden by that epitome of Ameican Virtue in Roy Rogers, a class act and loyal husband to his wonderful wife, Dale Evans. I use the term Trigger in not degrading those fine American cowboy traditions, but because most people equate horses with Trigger.)
I could have used Mr. Ed, but the hermaphrodite sex test is not yet back on manseuxal Muchelle, so I did not want to start calling her a male with a reproducing womb just yet.

In any event, perhaps why Obama was jetting off to Copenhagen was instead to put covert pressure on the Swiss to release the pedophile Roman Polanski, as he likes sexing up 13 year old girls like Obama's Uncle Frank Marshall Davis did.........well Polanski didn't bring a white wife along to hold the kid down, so it is not mirror Obama image of his mentor, but as we now see how much President Sarkozy wants to resolve this, and it is common knowledge that David Letterman and all liberals think child impregnation rape sex is fun, perhaps Obama has gone to Europe to win Polanski's release.

Perhaps he has gone for a pedophile autograph.

Perhaps he has gone for a pedophile comparison in what Obama experienced and what Polanski administered on a 13 year old girl.

Perhaps he has gone to pardon him.

Perhaps in pardoning him they both will appear on David Letterman where the Obama daughters will be treated by Letterman, Obama and Polanski the way they treated Gov. Sarah Palin's daughters.

Do not count any of this out, as I posted the photo here of Muchelle in Pittsburgh not going for an economic summit, but instead of on safari to have wind blown up her faux leopard print dress.

I do hope Carla Sarkozy and her husband figure out the shine is off the Obama apple and find some new playmates to be photographed with as the Obama's are not doing their reputation any good with normal moral people.

As the sun though slowly settles in the west, there rides Floofy Poofer Obama the Phallic Fraud with his trusty mount Muchelle, somewhere in the east spending more American millions in Europe and a cuddly pedophile within feeling distance.

Sort of sounds like the old Hawaiian pineapple express days.........or 2000 AD Chicago fun times.

Giddy Up!


Swiss arrest pedophile and pedophiles protest

No time for Warriors

Meeting Gideon

I was wondering if you would appreciate it if everywhere you went, knowing where you now reside, if people said, "Oh there is that damn Nebraskan!"

If you went to Washington to see Obama in protest, the news media would say, "Oh there is those damn Nebraskans!"

If you went to London, Paris, Tel Aviv, Tehran, Moscow or Peking, the same refrain would follow you in, "There is that damn Nebraskan!"

When you tried to explain you were an American and there are 49 other states, the replies you would get would be, "Yeah you Nebraskans are all the same dumb as a post patricians like nation rapist Warren Buffett and that imp Noel Sheppard".

After awhile, you would start thinking the entire world was screwed up wouldn't you in labeling you as a Nebraskan and just like Warren Buffett?

That is the mystery of God's Holy Spirit in hiding the 13 tribes of Israel, because time and again I see people even at World Net Daily featuring a story on Joseph in Egypt and they revert back to "the Jews".
For the record, there were no Jews that ever went down to Egypt, Joseph was never a Jew, Abraham was never a Jew, Isaac or Israel was never a Jew, Sarah, Rebecka, Leah or Rachel were never Jews.
Judah was a son of Israel and brother of Joseph and the 10 other brothers who went down to Egypt and were part of the Exodus, but they were never defined as Jews. They were defined as Hebrews and specifically as the Tribe of Judah.
Jesus is not called the Lion of the Tribe of Jews, He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The term Jew is a derogatory term that first appears in the Bible when the 10 northern tribes are at war with the southern kingdom led by Judah, Levi and Benjamin.

It is the same as in the Civil War if people kept referring to Confederates as Ohioans, when Ohio was part of the Union.

The not getting the point who modern Jews are and who Judah is, who the nations now of Israel are is a point which keeps people from knowing that America is all through prophecy for the end times, just as much as our brother English are in Ephraim who holds the Diadem of Christ for His return.

If you look at the old maps in the settlement issue of the Promised Land you will see a massively powerful tribe of Joseph named Manasseh who settled the central part of Israel. Their inheritance was divided by the Jordan River, with the waters of Galilee north on their border and into the branching of the Dead Sea in the south.
If you look at America today, the Mississippi divides Americans from east to west in like different peoples who are opposites in thought. The same patterns of settlement have been worked out by God in family units.

To the north of Manasseh America was Asher, Zebulon, Issachar and Dan. These are the peoples of the Scots, Netherlanders, Swiss and Denmark.
To the south on the east bank was Ephraim which is England. The west bank had Gad and Ammon, Gad are the Swedes and Ammon is the modern Jordanians who are Lot's children.

So as you see, Americans have always held this buffer position in Israel and among the nations.

I have been pondering for the answer and have yet to be shown it in why the English of Ephraim detest the Reubenite French so much, as there does not seem to be any reasoning for it in the Bible, other than it was Reuben who assented to Joseph being thrown into the pit, intervened for him to not be murdered by the 10 other brothers, and then was absent when they sold him into the Arabian traders down into Egypt.
Whatever this generational dislike is in Ephraim due to Reuben shirking responsibility is something which caused numerous early wars.

Joseph in Egypt particularly took it out on Reuben before he revealed himself in grieving Reuben in taking his younger brother Benjamin in a set up as a thief.

As Joseph said though as Americans have always lived by, "What they intended for evil, God intended for Good", for by Joseph, God saved all the 13 tribes.

That is the strangeness as Reuben was isolated between Gad and Benjamin from the tribes of Joseph, but in that the Americans and French have always had the deepest of familiar ties in assisting each other throughout history.

In that, during the rules of the Judges of Israel, God would raise up to deliver His afflicted peoples wonderful men and women. One of them was named Gideon, who was in effect an American father from Manasseh.
It was said that the Holy Ghost wore Gideon like a garment, such was the possession of this incredible leader. In a telling future problem, Gideon after defeating the Arab Midianites had the Soldiers give him their golden crescent earrings and chains (You thought Muslims invented the allah moon crescent........oh my that crescent moon is older in Arabs than Muhammed.) and made a golden ephod which became an idol to Gideons family and distracted the Israelites from Shiloh worship of God.
Americans still have that problem with gain and pretty things, although Gideon did have the redeeming attribute of using thorn whips in scourging local rulers who mocked his purpose in delivering Israel.

It is all ignorant to label people in the Bible as all Jews. King David was a Jew or for the Tribe of Judah as were his kingly sons, but Esther was Benjamite and if you read Moses was Levite of the Tribe of Levi, but numbers of the major Prophets are thought to be Jewish or of the Tribe of Judah.
There is enough glory to go around in all 13 Tribes, in not making one lord over the other, for each have responsibilities and great privileges from God in blessings none of us have earned, but were gifts of Promise to Abraham, Isaac and Israel.

So it would be a proper thing to have the Holy Ghost start opening people's minds to the Truth of who they really are in America, because it is not that far into the future that a return exodus is coming and the faithful in Christ will be settling for a millennial rule in the lands our forefathers possessed before exile.
That is one of the interesting aspectes of the Philistine Neo Syrians, the Philistines always inhabited the coastal plain now called Gaza, but the land of the West Bank which has imported peoples dumped into it that I term Neo Syrians are actually on a great part American lands.
That little bit of information might cause Americans to take a deeper note as that was never Jewish inheritance. That West Bank land is American, Swedish and French inheritance and will be in Christ's rule.

God hid all of this for a purpose, but the old lines of family affiliations break along the old Israelite lines. It was no act of chance that the Americans, British and French were lined up again against the Persian. It is a given as the old Assyrian (modern German) old Babylonian (modern southern Italians) form the revived empire system in central Europe, that Israelite alliances will weld to their ancient roots of strength.
I will though keep searching for the rift if it is beyond what Reuben did in not protecting Joseph being sold into slavery. Odd though as I noted in the Americans and French are always on close terms.

It might be though just as Gideon found himself being confronted by Ephraim after Gideon delivered Israel, they were complaining he had not called up that Tribe so they were deprived of the glory of victory.
I guess Ephraim required an invitation to war, instead of just having the sense to come to battle when needed.

That could be it in the contrary nature of those English. They are wonderful Soldiers who die marvelously for stupid leaders who allow them slaughtered. Such is the pity they rarely have good leaders in any form.
They are though for a thousand years now in their modern form a people that even in defeat are never stampeded. Joan D'Arc noted that at Patay as much as Andrew Jackson did at New Orleans.
We the French and Americans can kick the obliterated stuffing out of our brother in Ephraim and those ranks will march in retreat in calm, ready for a fight at every turn.

Really remarkable people those 13 Tribes of Israel, all of them are splendid fighters, tamers of wilderness, formers of just governments and faithful in worship of Elohim God. Only run into problems when God blesses their work so wonderfully that they start forgetting God and running off sexing themselves up along with trusting in themselves.

After this judgment business settles out, God already knows how much Americans will need a Gideon. It is my hope that this time a Sarah is arisen for this final act, as Deborah who judged the people at Mount Ephraim under a palm, was the complete lady of her time.
With all of her power, she still abided by God's laying out of ladies and gentleman responsibilities in calling on Barak to lead the Soldiers.

Time though will tell and perhaps someone from Nebraska will be raised up too, as Buffalo Bill Cody once had a ranch there before he created a city in Dick Cheney country of Wyoming. So being Nebraskan ain't all bad, they just have some poofy floofers as their patrician nobles now.

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