Monday, January 11, 2010

The A in America is for Amish Opt Out of Obamacrypt

Well, well, well, it seems we have a problem Houston on that big ole Obama rocket to the sky, sitting there all erect on the launch pad with steam coming off the bottom of it, as Chucky Schumer for New York Amish and other Christian sects have provided and Opt Out Of Obamacrypt due to religious reasons.

This has been hidden for sometime in Obamacrypt, but is now surfacing in violating the 14th Amendment on equal protection.

What most folks do not know is that the Amish have with American farmers been exempt from paying Social Security for years. If you start to comprehend this in what I am driving at, Barack Hussein Obama has just opened up the hornet's nests of hornet's nests in this as once word gets out that Amish are not going to be fined, then every person who believes anything from atheists to Muslims to the guy who worships Hugh Hefner's blondes, can opt out for the same reasons, as there is nothing which defines a religion of any faith in what they have to believe in.

See, the Amish have not had to pay into Social Security fraud, so that means that if the bright American workers start filing for the same equal protection, then 1/3rd of their paychecks can no longer be stolen from them by the federal government in money they will never see.

The entire scam the globalists have built the entire American debt structure on, and ruining the Middle Class is now exposed and can come crashing down as in equal protection, everyone can Opt Out, and the beauty of it all is that the federal government can not regulate religion. It is the ultimate Catch 22 and Obama and the Obamalings have been caught in it.

You do realize how this all can be fixed easily don't you for the Obamacare? If there are 10 million or 40 million people who want Obamacrypt coverage, then that group just pools what it can pay at 10 dollars a month, and voila you have 100 million to 400 million dollars to draw on for sick people.
In a year that is over a billion dollars, just for 10 dollars a person.

Boy isn't that simple, and people can have the choice they want..........and guess what? All those people who are being screwed for $10,000 a year policies will dump those policies for 10 dollars a month in their choice.

Nopers though, Obama demands to take away choice, fine everyone, and exempt key groups violating the Constitution.

It is all such a beautiful thing as what this blog was writing about from the beginning is coming to fruition in people will with a little court fighting, be opting out in mass.........whereby Obama will be left with a furious nation united against him, and his whiners demanding free care will all be pooled together in some costly plan, instead of the cheap one I just wrote about, and they will get rationed death.

Democrats caught in their own trap. The wise of this world exposed as fools again.

Those peaceful little Christian Amish starting a Revolution.

I will drink to that Jackie and believe it will be tea.

Dunk away and dunk often.

Simple little provision by the GOP to allow the religious opt out in all 50 states and territories and all of this is solved.


Amish Opt Out Of Obama

Palin on Point

I am a hands on person who knows in this life no one can accomplish anything better than I can, because God is the One carrying me. So I have not from haughtiness, but reality, little respect for anyone in this world. I roll my eyes at the 7 billion tinkers claiming expertise and pay no attention as watching fools fall flat is not entertainment.

I honestly had a great deal of anticipation when it came to Sarah Palin, like a parent watching a child taking their first step and moving on to public school. I had every confidence in Gov. Palin, but still wanted to do things for her, and, it bothers me more than it does her in the hurtful things the mob of Obama smears her with.

I watch Gov. Palin with anticipation now, not in concern of her falling or not being able to handle the school bully, but I watch her like a sniper running their operation while the enemy lines have no idea what this Inspired Lady is up to.
I honestly believe at this point that God is guiding Gov. Palin, as the moves she is making are as gifted as David in the wilderness and a Gentleman dear to my heart in Ronald Reagan in his wilderness years.

While Rupert Murdoch has been all Obama all of the time, he knows a multi million dollar draw and with Roger Ahles they are now the recipients of Sarah Palin on strategy. In looking over her contract, she is not going to be tied down to any program, but be able to pop in and be a fresh face constantly over the next two years in being a free political ad, introducing herself to America on every level from "women's crying stories" to the mixing it up with the boys.

Consider this Ronald Reagan's "mash potato circuit" in her honing her abilities, staying sharp, and keeping herself in the correct way before the American people.
Understand that Ronald Reagan stated that people tire of people on television, so he stayed with radio. Gov. Palin has found a way to not be television media, not be Barbara Walters special and not be boring. She has found a way to be all of the above, and yet setting her own fresh course in all of the above.
The move is brilliant as everything she has done as she has picked her way through this minefield.

If there is one thing, I would offer to Gov. Palin without giving any assistance to the Obama hordes, it would be to remember Reagan in radio. Years ago I happened by chance to find something in a recording of a William Shatner Star Trek episode when I was studying sound effects.
For those who have never listened to old radio programs, most were horrid, and if you have ever tried listening to some television programs in not watching them, you can not follow the story at all.
I was listening to House tonight, and that show is horrid with sound only. The dialogue is so complex that you need the visuals to follow the smirks and blank stares the actors are adding in edits.

Star Trek though with Shatner was something amazing, and there are radio archives of this original series online, along with Mr. Shatner reading from his books he has published on his life.
What is amazing is Star Trek is just as enticing and easy to follow on radio or television. The entire dialogue explains the program and the special effects sounds with musical scores, make the entire listening program a visual experience.
That is the secret of Star Trek in why it succeeded and is still working, as it speaks with authority, communicates greatly and it has the aura to make one comfortable.

Star Trek would and does work on radio, when most programs do not even work on television.

That is what I hope Gov. Palin will be Inspired to, as while she is pretty, I noticed on Oprah, it was that voice of hers which goes on point and explains things in concise terms. She communicates who she is because she knows who she is.

Why this is alright to put here is because Barack Obama has no radio face, as in his speeches are stupid when one listens to them, so they communicate nothing but a 10 year old speaking. His blackness disappears in his speaking and has to be seen. His crying crowds drown out the teleprompter speech, and he can only look presidential.........and not sound presidential.

Added to this, Barack Obama does not sound like an American. He sounds like a professor talking at you. Sarah Palin sounds like an American you are having a conversation with even if she is doing the talking.

See Sarah Palin is rare. She is a born leader. She has the looks like Reagan to appeal to the visual, but she has the presence in aura to be heard in just speaking. If one recalls, Reagan had the same insane group of leftists screaming about him every second. Reagan was like waving a red flag in front of them. The psychological reason is these emotional leftists recognize immediately the threat in they will be defeated personally and that is what has then screaming like banshees over Gov. Palin.
That point has to be understood in Sarah Palin is what has the liberal nuts screaming now, AND THEY ARE NO LONGER SCREAMING IN SUPPORT OF THEIR MAN OBAMA.

Obama they have skulked off and away from for the loser he is, but Sarah Palin is going to the heart of liberals in proving their rapine of her was wrong, their vote for Obama was wrong, and their disastrous agenda is destroying America and is wrong.
Sarah Palin is the light of Truth shining on this ilk and it is making them scream like vampires in the sun.

So I study Sarah Palin and marvel at these days she masters now in God, as I quoted in 2008 of her in this blog in Shakespeare's Henry V. I see her telling CPAC to be satisfied with their homosexual revenue and inviting Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich, with the host of other Obama voters, while Gov. Palin is going to speak at a Tea Party event with Joseph Farah, Republican Michele Bachmann, Judge Roy Moore and Angela McGowen from Fox.

This is a political event by the people, of the people and for the people. Where else would one find an American Lady but among the people and not in the crowd of Obama voters who have been feeding off of Americans for decades.

This is brilliant as the Tea Dunkers are decentralizing power by centralizing power in a new form of Minute Men, ready to go active in a moments notice.
This group is the Conservative Christian, Patriot, Veteran base of the American majority, who are not silent and on Janet Napolitano's terror watch list.

So Gov. Palin now is on point. She can attend speaking rallies and the people can see her up close. She will be on television in her forum, showing Americans how real she is and how many lies have been told about her.

Sarah Palin is the game changer. She is change and she is playing this field on her terms, while Obama is playing Americans by hook and crook.

This is amazing to behold and as enjoyable as watching Peyton Manning or Brett Farve in football work their ways down field as the opponent can only talk trash and keep moving back.

God bless Gov. Palin in not having the treachery John McCain was surrounded by in her future. In Jesus Name. Amen


Snap shots

One can tell a great deal how the world is either moving toward peace or war, prosperity or poverty just by observing a few headlines of the moment.
These are the real tells of the world of 2010.

A Harvard exercise on politics sees Obama breaking with the Israeli state over Iranian nuclear weapons.

Obama has US firms still importing wares from Chinese communist and benefiting Iran.

Not so oddly, Obama befriending the good terrorists of al Qaeda have al Qaeda now cash strapped, but Obama at war with his TalEEban now has the TalEEban flooded with cash.

Although Obama says he is not sending troops to Yemen, even after Yemeni al Qaeda declared war on Obama, Obama will double military spending in Yemen.

The United Arab Emirites awarded a 20 billion dollar nuclear power deal with South Korea. Welcome to the nuclear club.

China is now seen as being pulled in to base it's own military in the Middle East. An event never ocurring in all world history, but yet in the Age of Obama, here come the Chicoms to bump into Americans.

American Air Force trials conducted successful deployment of the World War IV fighter jet, the F 22 Raptor.

For the first time since the Soviet Cold War, masses of US CIA agents were murdered in an attack at Khost, Afghanistan.

I do not see any American trade in that, do no see any Nobel Peace Prizes, do not see any retreat by American antagonists. That of course would mean in the weight of the balance that poverty will continue in America, war will expand and Steve Schmidt and the rabid Obamalings will continue to assist America's enemies by lying about Sarah Palin, so the bonfire of the vanities of Obama will shove America into the nuclear abyss.

I have a fascination with the central European Oracles, even though one can only trust in God, and one must always be suspect of demons.
I place them here with that caveat, but note that the interesting ones repeat themes in the coming war there, revenge from across the water (America sucked into another world war) Alaska invaded and that yellow green poison dropped from a line in north Europe to south Europe to stop the Russians.


The blind man from Prague 14th century

- A new war will break out and this will be the shortest of all. (a) The people will destroy the world and the world will destroy the people. (b) And Bavaria has to suffer much. (c) This happens because mankind will leave God, and God will purify them. (d) When people attempt to take the creator's place the end is near.

- The people in Bohemia will be destroyed by the war, and everything in the country will
be buried.

Twice the Bohemian land will be sieved: the second time only as many Czechs will
remain as there is space on one hand.

There won't be peace in Europe until Prague is a heap of rubble.
- The revenge comes from across the large water.

At the [time of the] cherry blossom Prague will be destroyed.
When for the second time the cherries mature, the refugees from Bohemia sadly return
again to their their looms and fields.

But it won't be many.
And these few will ask each other: Where did you hide, and where you?
The farmers will crack the whip behind the plow and say: Here was Prague.
All over the world will be a new age, which will be called the Golden One

Matthias Stormberger, 1830

Two or three decades after the first war it will come a second war still larger. Almost all the nations of the world will be involved. Millions of men will die without being soldiers. Fire will fall from the sky and many great cities will be destroyed.

And after the end of the Second Great War, a third universal conflagration will come. There will be weapons totally new. In one day more men will die than in all previous wars. The battles will be accomplished with artificial weapons. Gigantic catastrophes will happen. Overnight it will take place -- in a pub in Zwiesel many people will be together, and outside the soldiers will ride over the bridge. The people will run out into the forest. Those, who hide themselves at the "Fuchsenriegel" or at the "Falkenstein" remain spared.

The Sybille of Prague (?-1658)

Still your rule lasts, my loved Prague, but also you will face the last hour. Prague, my dear Prague, you will find a rare and terrible end. A breath goes through your lanes, sweet and warm; surprised mankind will feel it. With horribly distorted faces thousands begin to rest and freeze despite the warmth. It comes to the end. Ten musty bells of the last church clang in the air. The slow and muddy tides of the Moldau roll as a terrible hurricane roars across the country, across the city. Yellow-grey dust and heavy, poisonous clouds take the breath from humans and cattle. The Hradschin is set on fire, in the city the walls burst. Everywhere fire rages. The earth trembles, vibrated by the mighty quake. Deep gaps do open, devouring the dead and the living. The graves open as ransacked by spirit hands, and the skeletons smile with cruel laughter. Everything sinks in the unfathomably black depth.

From Vyschrad a tremendous fireball comes along, rocks fly through the air and all around blazes a sea of fire. Everything that mankind's diligence has created lies in debris and ash. One can only hear the roar of the storm. Life has gone out. I only see rubble and corpses. Slowly the clouds disappear where once the proud cathedral dome had been. I see a bloody-red fireball. It is over! Prague, your fate has been fulfilled! Where are your houses, proud city? Why do gloomy tides flood the coasts of a deserted heath? Horrible worms eat body and spirit with frightening effect. Weeds and ruins and a poisonous cloud characterizes the countryside. Is this the harvest of the human seed?

Alois Irlamier, the German seer (interviewed in the 1950s)

Everything calls peace. Schalom! Then it will occur -- a new Middle East war suddenly flares up, big naval forces are facing hostility in the Mediterranean -- the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkans: I see a 'large one' falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him -- then impact is on impact.

Two men kill a third high-ranked. They were paid by other people. One of the murderers is a small black man, the other a little bit taller, with bright-coloured hair. I think it will be at the Balkans, but I cannot say it exactly.

After the murder of the third it starts overnight. I see quite clearly three numbers, two eights and a nine. But I cannot say what it means and cannot state a time. The war begins at sunrise. He comes along very rapidly. The farmers sit in the pub playing cards, when the foreign soldiers look through the windows and doors. Quite black an army comes from the east, but however everything occurs very rapidly. I see a three, but I do not know if it means three days or three weeks.

Massed units march from the East into Belgrade and move forward into Italy. Thereafter three armored wedges immediately advance with lightning speed in the north of the Danube over West Germany towards the Rhine - without preliminary warning. This will occur so unexpectedly that the population flees full of panic to the west. Many cars clog the roads - if they had stayed at home or would have not used the main streets. Everything, which will be an obstacle for the rapidly advancing tanks on high-speed motorways and other fast motorways, will be down-rolled. I cannot see the Danube bridges above Regensburg anymore. Hardly anything remains of the big city Frankfurt. The Rhine Valley will be devastated, mainly by air.

I see three spearheads coming. The Russian does not stop anywhere, while running in his three wedges. Day and night they run in order to reach the Ruhr-district, where the many furnaces and fireplaces are. Day and night the Russians run, inexorably their target is the Ruhr-district.

Immediately the revenge comes from across the large water. However the yellow dragon invades in Alaska and Canada at the same time. But he comes not far.

And then it rains a yellow dust in a line. When the golden city is destroyed, it begins. Like a yellow line it goes up to the city in the bay. It will be a clear night, when they begin to throw it. The tanks are still driving, but those who sit in these tanks become quite black. Where it falls down, everything will become quite dead, no tree, no bush, no cattle, no grass, this becomes withered and black. The houses still exist. I don't know what it is and so I cannot tell it. It is a long line. Who goes over this line, dies. Then everything in the spearheads breaks down. Nobody will come back anymore.

They call it the United States of Aramca

I have been working on this exclusive story for a few weeks now since the Inspiration moved me, as it is important to understand the riddle of just what Barack Hussein Obama is as he fades like a spectre in the night, one moment appearing as the Ghost of Islam, the next the Ghost of Kenya, the next the Ghost of Asia and then melding into some insane apparition that is intent on aborting these United States of America.

To explain Obama, I will sum it up in Barack Hussein Obama is reverse engineering in the Zbigniew Brzezinski mould of bringing foreign radicals into America to educate them and send them home to be zealots for globalism in their homelands, but in Obama's case he was the radical already imported into America, and conditioned to become the zealot for toppling America from within to globalist mandates.

This is complicated, but it is not so complicated. It is not so conspiracy oriented that Malcolm X impregnated Madelyn Dunham and Birdie was born, but it is a deliberate policy by some very specific internationalists who pluck of these Obamalings and turn them out as certainly as Cecil Rhodes clique of globalists have for generations.

To follow the trail of Barack Hussein Obama is to follow the money trail of transferring American wealth into Muslim oil money, flowing into central European banks for the past 40 years in Kissinger balance of trade.
I have noted from Obama's mass number of Social Security numbers, to his sudden rise in affiliations which started exactly when Stanley Ann Dunham left Indonesian oil employee Lolo Soetoro, for the Ford Foundation, with other shady business address popping up, that is appears the Dunham Obama's were involved in fraud and embezzlement of foundation and government funds, for their own tidy nest egg to fund Obama's political rise.
(It should be remembered that Stanley Ann was going to adopt a black Korean child to replace Obama as she had apparently given up on him in her intervention, but she contracted cancer and died without Obama going near her.)

In that, one finds hints of the medley of Obama's roots and rise to power, with his bowing before Saudi Kings, as the Obama funding trails is definite and in plain site, because everyone from Dinesh D'Souza's Indian benefactors want to buy a ruling influence in America as much as the Muslim world has been buying influence in their mafia.

As stated the hints in this are all over the Obama profile. I found a reference listed that on page 86 of Obama's book, he opined his mission was to finish Malcolm X's work in uniting people under Islam.
The Obama use of the term Mooselum is telling, and immediately ABC with Jake Tapper, repeatedly using that term MOOSELUM was code to numerous people in picking up exactly what Barack Obama was stating, as much as Anderson Cooper coding the scrotum sucking Teabagger term was a message to gays in America.

There is only one group who uses the term MOOSELUM, and that is the black Mooselums in America, which Malcolm X was a part of in rejecting his Christian American heritage.
Mr. Obama's meteoric rise comes after Stanley Ann starts moving on up the financier ladder. In that time frame, Donald Warden, a black Mooselum from Texas, appears somehow and as Khalid al Mansour, approaches the former attorney of Malcolm X in Percy Sutton, to write a letter to Harvard to gain Obama admission there.

Donald Warren weasled his way into a meeting with King Faisal it was said, who was furious over being sued and told Warren to represent him, whereby Warren became a favorite son of the Saudi government.,
Warren would find his chief benefactor in travels to African investment and the world in His Royal Highness Prince al Waleed bin Talal, the nephew of the King of Saudi Arabia, and the Warren Buffet of the Arab world.

It was Prince al Waleed bin Talal who offered New York millions after 9 11, with a statement that American policy had brought it on, to which Republican Rudy Giuliani told the Prince to keep his money.

The Prince though is the tip of an iceberg which one can find from the Nadhmi Auchi, Saddam Hussein's bagman who bought Obama his home and funded his Senatorial campaign to hosts of unknown Muslims decorating the American landscape in business, think tanks and academia who while their stated intentions are to build an east west bridge of American understanding and Islam, that the reality which these philanthropists are accomplishing is importing terrorists and building a CAIR structure which is not interested in the American dream, but creating a United States of Aramca which they rule by sharia.

Would you be surprised there is a Muslim syndicate from Ramallah operating in America, where this familiar group of 10,000 house each other and promote each other in a Ramallah Federation?
They help immigrants of their own kind, establish them and promote them.

That is all helpful when in the context like the Amish, but when it starts veering off into Irish Traveler con schemes or the Mexican underground funneling dope, Social Security numbers and criminals, then that is not the American dream nor way.

All of these groups are sowing themselves into America, and there are now horrid results sprouting from them. The Saudi's funded mosques for Islamic worship and welfare around the world. Suddenly the radical leftists found a platform, power, a paying job and a way to covertly spread their hate through what was deemed by Saudi Arabia as just a religious better understanding and promotion of Islam.
I have noted the good things the Saudi's have done for America in being wonderful allies. The problems arise is when they screw up royal as in mocking Sheik bin Laden so the Russians gain influence over him and all of a sudden Brzezinski's crazy Muslims are firing at Americans.

This too arises in Saudi Arabia and it's citizens meaning good, but bringing along with them their crazy cousins who are Marxists who want the Americans dead, because Russia wants to rule the world.

The Prince does many fine things with his money, but as Free Trade was hijacked by robber barons, his good intentions have hijacked situations where news was suppressed and Jimmy Carter turned into a raving Jew hater.

Here is Prince Warren Buffet's public donations to America:
Contributions to the United States:

George Bush Senior Fund: Andover
Carter Institute: $5 million (one per annum) to support the Carter Center Peace and Health Programs in Africa $300.000 to support the observation of the Indonesian presidential election

Arab-American Institute
Council on American-Islamic Relations
Middle East Policy Council Social Studies Teacher program for Islamic awarness

Now we know the Prince has a friend in Donald Warren and Rupert Murdoch, which is not showing up on the books. The question in this nefarious undercurrent is just how Malcolm was Malcolm X before he got booted out of the black Mooselums, and could part of Malcolm been the Jesse Jackson control by the FBI of black Christian radicals, but in Malcolm been the control of black Mooselum radicals?

Malcolm after leaving the brotherhood was a speaker at many locations, and that included Harvard where his speeches can be found now assembled in books. So we do see this Harvard Columbia institutional schism of the radical left bringing together the assembled parts of Mooselums, Saudi Muslims, Obama changelings and Brzezinski internationalism.

I do not believe there was any conspiracy of Malcolm Obama, but Obama in whoever his parents are was linked in to communist radicals in his grandparents, Barack Obama sr., Frank Davis for his formative years.
He trascended soon into the international finance, foundations and oil manipulation schemes in funding, and once born there, he was the communist organizer finding funding and doors open every place he turned.

As this blog has noted, there are a thousand Barack Obama's groomed in America at this moment. Obama was only to be a black vote gatherer, until things imploded on the Clintons. He was raised for the purpose of replacing Jesse Jackson, and it is why Jackson disliked this changeling as he knew what manipulative, social climbing fraud, Obama is.

It is that difference though in Jesse Jackson who was extorting money from US corporations for years, is not the Obama who had the mafia money train running into his pockets from the 1980's onward.
Jackson dove into the mostly American money supply and only dabbled in Middle Eastern backing, while Obama looted the entire US Treasury, while his major funding from the start has all traced back to Muslims of Asia.

The dangers in this as this blog only exposed and explained is Islam is fine when you have it locked in a nation like Saudi Arabia where you can lop off heads of radicals. Once these bridge builders start putting Islam into America though, the low self esteem types start flexing their CAIR muscles and start attacking Americans. Nidal Hasan starts acting out in violence, and pretty soon Flight 253 has al Qaeda flying into America with a message from brown Muslims to black Mooselum Obama.
See Obama knows the scam like Pelosi knew the scam on Cindy Sheehan, but Pelosi didn't call off the dogs, and Obama now has the terrorist dogs trailing back into America. They are whoring for power, but do not realize the enforcers of the Islamic pimps are going to burn America down in this turf war.

I agree greatly with Prince Al-Waleed in the need to feminize Islam in supporting women's rights. Only by this will Islam have the necessary human safegaurds so it stops being a conduit of terrorism. The problem is Prince Al-Waleed has progressed this too fast like all these intellectual Muslims flowing into America.
These intellectuals are first world mindsets, while Nidal Hasan is 3rd world and reverting to violence which Islam promotes. That is thee disaster in the making.

I have an exclusive warning to my Ishamaelite brothers in Saud Arabia, and this includes Sheik bin Laden to ponder this. Come to the time you succeed in overthrowing Great Britain, France and the United States to your Islamic caliph.
Ask yourselves in Islam, do you think Americans will just go for your Islam or will they develop their own brand of Islam?

Now build on that as you know these western peoples will build their own Islam, but now ponder that without Christian principles of moderation, the Junior Ellisons and Junior Obama's are now all Islamic children misbehaving like Ali bin Franken.

Now under this more powerful western Islam of their nature, do you think they are going to be allowing your brand of Islam to rule the world, or Prince Al-Waleed, do you think these western Muslims in jihad will invade, butcher and vaporize fellow Islams they term as infidels, because Asian Muslims are not as perfect as powerful nuclear armed western Islamic states?

Everyone reading this blog knows I am right in this exclusive. The Islamic funding which created Barack Hussein Obama and he is bowing too yet in promoting his "good" terrorists, has let the gen out of the lamp in Obama's own form of perverted Islam being instituted with a Aramca scorched earth mode.
The Saudi's and all these Muslims built a bridge to Armageddon in most cases enjoying the benefits of Christian America, but wanting their own brand of Islam on it.........with the complete result, they now have an Obama jihad against their homelands and it is going to bring nuclear jihad which spreads into the Great Eurasian War.

Muslims and Mooselums have thrown the Christian American baby out of the nursery and put in an Islamic bastard, who has no curbs put into his imprints. They can behave, but the relatives with their normal human lusts are misbehaving when they feel guilt about having wealth, can't find a wife who likes being a sheep or they are having a bad hair day and decide to blame the west.

Bill Ayers was a rich kid radical who appeared as a control for other rich kid radicals. Obama was but one of the expansive group of radicals, he was supposed to guide. This all touches on the CIA inter groups, the industrial military complex intelligence people like Bill Ayers father, and how it all mixed with American capitalism, European feudalism, Muslim funding and the use of radical leftists to promote a world order where sovereign nations would cease for a much more manageable one world order.

There is an incredible war disaster coming as the Christian safeguards are coming off the west and her allies, and being replaced by German intellectualism with Muslim radicalism. Putin is not going to stop from wiping out nations no more than China. No Islamic group is going to not use nuclear arms to win in the end, and America is already in it's leadership corrupted in following the Muslim Mafia who just happened to win out as they had the better plan and more money than other nations.

It is a major secret in how Barack Obama tapped into the money in this, but he was part of a group of fellow travelers in communism and jungle fever, who started crossing up into the Malcolm X world which was funded by Middle East Islam and at that point under the control of Brzezinski type leftists intent on turning out these little puppets to rule the world through.
The Obama Dunhams though have been adept at finding money supply and gaining access to those funds, just like the Salahi's in social climbing are as this blog noted, the glaring example of the Muslim Mafia's influence on Barack Hussein Obama.

There is now an Islamic sex cancer infecting the world in some well intentioned Islamic pimps have had intercourse with western whores who have produced these Obama bastards who are all suffering from syphillis brain insanity as they are Islamic outlaws loosed in a Christian world.

The Saudi's made a hell of a mistake in being goaded willingly into this and it being coupled with Brzezinski schools of radicalism to take on communists...........because the Islamic students are turning more radical left and communists.
Everything is being eaten from within as the globalists intended and the benefactors never bargained for as the terrorists attacking Saudi Arabia were taught at Saudi mosques.

The time has run out in this as the power shift is now to miscreant Obama's who will just like al Qaeda start eating their own sponsors as they decide they can rule the world, and just steal back the money Prince Warren Buffett knows is his.
This requires a definite policy shift, a real ass kicking of the globalists like Zbigniew Brzezinski in his being wrong and the Muslim Mafia to conclude they screwed up royal in turning loose a disease which is infecting them as they let Islam out into the world without a condom to keep it from spreading.

Wonderful joke in satire is it not, that the Flight 253 bomber had a condom bomb. Fitting and God has such a wonderful sense of humor in dealing with allah.


Saudi Aramco

Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal


Mystery Obama

Malcolm Harvard

The Sexy Conservative Mind

I have to start this out with that in my judgment Liz Cheney is the sexiest Conservative package out there in a mother of 5, not sticking her family's personal gay stuff into my face trying to make sexcuses, a mind like her Dad, Vice President Richard Cheney, tough, brave, patriotic, all make a yummy package that is so attractive, and even more so that I am confident that like Sarah Palin she would shoot you dead if you were a criminal.

The reason I am focusing on this is due to the English are once again putting out their list of 100 top Conservatives, and only have Liz Cheney as number 95, which is like having the Marquis de Lafayette as only a Frenchman on the American stage.
The English have no idea who Conservatives even are. For example, they list political bastards, Bill O'Reilly, Peggy Noonan and Lindsey Graham as conservatives.

Ah to the world, if a person votes for Barack Hussein Obama and pedals his Marxism, they are not CONSERVATIVES!!!!! (that is more exclamation points than I have ever used.)

As I read the bottom 20 of the English 100, only Liz Cheney, Gen. Jack Keane, R. Emmett Tyrell, Tony Perkins of the Tea Dunkers, Thomas Sowell and John Kasich (only because he will be the next Governor of Ohio) are the only Conservatives on the list of weight.
Sure there are some hitters on the list, but I would make the point that when this blog is the one scaring Noel Sheppard to dithering heights and is being quoted in being the Daniel Boone trailblazer of Conservative thought being years ahead of the curve by God's is all like Barack Hussein Obama winning the Nobel Prize while the Ronald Reagan blog here not being noticed by the establishment when it is accomplishing more than all combined.

So 6 out of 20 hits, sort of sounds like English Generals in their ratio is that bad in being war generals.

Why I am investing the time in this, is not to duel with the Brits, as I dearly love the Brits in being a people like me, who line up, take 10 paces and fire in meaning that some blood must be shed, instead of like the French who would walk a mile and were more concerned about missing so they could all go back and drink wine and claim how brave they were............where was I going?
Oh yes, the reason is that Joseph Farah, the newspaper man, and by his own mouth, not Conservative, has been cuddling up to Sarah Palin, which is nice, considering he was bashing her with the Obama brigades for a year.
Mr. Farah swerved into making public something he has been sitting on..........(Is that withholding information from the public?) that he has now come out about Fox news being in the henhouse.

Eureka and California Gold Rush fever baby!!!!! (there are those exclamation points again) Joseph Farah, has finally noted what this blog has stated since the 2008 elections that Fox is a group of frauds pretending to be Glenn Beck conservatives in order to make money.

I need to expose something here which is an exclusive in how FOX actually came into being and why.

Newt Gingrich, the yawning patrician, when building his America, looked around and found capitalist Australian Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch was found massaging Gingrich hard in order to be noticed.
The mutual idea was for a foreigner to start a Conservative based news operation which would promote American ideals. Murdoch saw the profits in this, Gingrich wrote it all up and the GOP broke the communist lock of CNN and the networks.

Roger Ahles was hired to run this new enterprise and he found soul sellers in Bill O'Reilly and Chris Wallace to shill for the ratings.
He hired fakes like Shep Smith, Jerry Rivers (Geraldo Rivera), Greta and a bunch of short skirted hotties to sell the package and Americans loved it as it spoke to them.

Mr. Farah though has now noticed the Saudi control of Murdoch's enterprise is protecting Islam, as Murdoch is selling out America, for new markets in Muslim lands in the television industry.

See like all things in life, there is either the Rotshchilds, Rockefellers, Chinese or Muslim mafia putting shills into place to protect their interests, buy up US politicians and feed the power and profit structure.
What people are seeing now in Rupert Murdoch and FOX is the Obama voter at work, with all the Obama ties of Islamocommunism, Islamofascism, Bolshevism, Maoism and black radicalism, while Americans are screwed over again.

It is all though a great deal though in Mr. Farah calling Rupert Murdoch black. (Hey did you see now that after this blog broke the Rooney Deal in the NFL in outing teams are not interviewing blacks as Rooney demands that is now a story and in noting that Oliver Stone is blacker than Obama that our good friend Rod Blagojevich (good friend because his wife his HOT!!!! and should not be persecuted with her children by Barack Hussein Obama), anyway Rod said in an interview one day after published here that "he was blacker than Obama".
Talk about influence eh!!!!)
Where was I going with this???? Oh yes, Mr. Farah who is known to be crass, stomp and be rude to little people, ignore suggestions in how to promote Conservatives, help Obama get elected with NONE OF THE ABOVE, has lied in not coming forward with birth certificate information he said he had over half a year ago, and is a promoter of liberals like Nat Henthoff and Al Franken friend G. Gordon Liddy, is now noting the splinter in Murdoch's capitalism while not seeing the logs in his eyes.

I am not stating that Joseph Farah is bad for America, but his priorities have been wrong. He has been personally rude to me more than once for absolutely no reason. He has though championed and helped release the Border Patrol agents, has driven the pressure on Barack Obama and broken through his two best journalists in Aaron Klein and Jack Cashill stories which knocked Obama off his time table.
Mr. Farah in all this though has been set up by Obama in the Lawrence Sinclair smear, has been gang raped politically by his "friends like Ann Coulter" and is in effect been screwed over by FOX just like he has been censoring work of certain bloggers.

There is a great deal of pressure in running a business. There are also thousands of people telling you daily how you should be running things and what you should write. Mr. Farah I still give some slack as he is human and bites people as he can not handle the attacks on him, as he emulates Michael Savage.
The problem is though as stated in the same money flow is buying censorship in America. The same Front Page, Daniel Pipes, Huffington, Farah, Newsbusters, Drudge, Google who ration blogs to keep their message in the bottle are all in a same pool of funding that all stems from where all the same money flows.

Rupert Murdoch has to expand in capitalism as the inflationary structure the Rothschilds and Rockefellers installed is a cancer eating the entire west. So Mr. Murdoch takes Saudi funding to get into Saudi markets, and then squelches Islamist stories like French arson rampages and Muslim Mafia stories, because he needs to keep that market to compete with the Rothschilds subsidized corporations.

That is the real story in this of Conservatives, as most of the English listed Conservatives are not Conservative, but shills or as Mr. Farah lashed out in stating he is a 'newsman' and not a Conservative.

I prioritize my world as a Christian, a conduit for God to do whatever He wills through. I deliberately chose this conversation in this blog to be free, free from pop up ads, free from money changing hands, because as I have stated I do not want readers sitting there frustrated looking at ads as they load, instead of just seeing the pure pleasure of a story and some goofy photo I was inspired to doctor.
Not everyone can afford that freedom, and God knows I can not, but as God has told me He will carry be even when I am old and grey, I will have faith, as an Air America agent once told me, "The internet should be free, programs should be free, and if it isn't just take it".

People have to pay for so much now in even taking a crap is taxed, so I want what was freely given to me by God to be enjoyed freely by anyone who wants to smile or not feel alone in the world for a few moments in knowing that I believe in you because God believed in you first.

So I say what I am moved to say by God, and I don't protect Saudi's even if I love them and I kick the hell out these fake conservatives, because I have had it with being betrayed like so many Americans have.

I am an American Christian for now, and I love being an American Christian. I hate though what is done to America by these Obamalings, and I will not let up until God says to let up in exposing all of this a year before anyone else does or forever before anyone else does.

I am a Conservative because there is no other way, as it reflects God's Way to Peace and Life. I do not look for perfection in Liz Cheney or Sarah Palin, but I expect them to be given a fair shot and I expect them to be honest...........something the people who are making money off of Conservatives have not been as they bury their money in Obama vaults.


Henhouse Islam

6 Conservatives and the Obamalings, also rans