Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Impeachable character of Eric Holder

I honestly am amazed at what the Obama puppy press lets the crooked crime cartel of Obama Inc. get away with.

In plain sight, Attorney General Eric Holder has been conducting Obama policy which in normal instances would have what Mr. Holder has committed indicted, impeached and imprisoned.

Eric Holder served on Barack Hussein Obama's legal team as the senior adviser.
In looking at the list from ACORN voter fraud and the host of other crimes ACORN was salivating over from tax fraud to importing Latino children for pedophiles, Mr. Holder was privy to and responsible for all of this.

Then there was the immense matter of that 300 million dollars in illegal terrorist funding from Muslims overseas which Penny Pritzker laundered for Obama's 2008 campaign.
The simple rule is if Holder was not aware of this he is an idiot, because it was all through the press.
Which means someone this stupid does not belong anywhere near law enforcement as he seems to enjoy letting these same terror financiers out of Gitmo, because Mr. Holder does not believe in the death penalty.
Mr. Holder in knowing of this is an international money launderer, guilty of usurping the United States government.

We will not discuss Mr. Holder being senior counsel in being the one who had Obama state his British citizenship "expired" which it can not do, as that is so blatantly treasonous Mr. Holder should be exiled.

The illegal trail grows even warmer on the bogus search for Vice President, in Mr. Biden was awarded the position for making a political prisoner out of Lawrence Sinclair, illegally utilizing the Biden syndicate in Delaware, which was attempting to imprison a gay, handicapped man for life over a misdemeanor.
Mr. Sinclair's crime was having oral sex with Mr. Obama, twice as Mr. Obama pursued him.

Mr. Holder also was part of the David Axelrod throwing John Edwards to the press to save Mr. Obama from being exposed in his own sex scandals. As senior legal counsel, all of this is your responsibility.

What becomes even more impeachable is Eric Holder was hired by Gov. Rod Blagojevich over Illinois finance irregularities.
This is the same Rod Blagojevich who was indicted by Patrick Fitzgerald, who happened not to be able to see Rahm Emmanuel, Barack Hussein Obama and Val-erie Jarrett crimes equal to Mr. Blagojevich's over the same offense.
In this Eric Holder did not recuse himself in the least. In fact, someone in Mr. Holder's justice privy to the highest levels of top secret investigations, actually phoned the Obama transition team and warned them the federal government was recording all of Rod Blagojevich's transactions and had caught Rahm Emmanuel on tape in the crime.

Not so strangely in exact manner of the Marc Rich pardon, where Mr. Holder illegally counselled Mr. Rich's attorney on how to bypass justice and appeal directly to Bill Clinton, who then Mr. Clinton was informed by Mr. Holder in a positive affirmation to pardon Mr. Rich.
In the Blagojevich affair, Eric Holder could see no crimes by team Obama and appears to be the one who warned the Obama team off, dropped the criminal investigation and rewarded Patrick Fitzgerald with the head of all US Attorneys for his Obama blindness too.

In the least Eric Holder should have recused himself from this entire matter having been connected to Blagojevich and Obama, but instead oversaw the entire proceedings in his department.
These are criminal and impeachable offenses.

All of this is much more important on a legal position than Mr. Holder giving terrorists American rights, turning terrorists free, besmirching the US courts in show trials like a 3rd world despotry and lying to Congress and the American people over the condom bomber, in first saying the terrorist gave it all up in 50 minutes, then in seclusion Mr. Holder brought in the terrorists parents to brow beat him, and led America to believe Holder's Justice was responsibly handling this entire matter.

Eric Holder should be immediately removed from office and face criminal investigation and charges. He belongs nowhere near the United States Justice Department.

I disagree with few things President Reagan ever did. One was his being used by the Brady's for gun control as Mr. Reagan felt guilty over the Hinkley assassination in which Jim Brady was injured and his battle axe wife used this poor crippled man to assault American rights, and the other is Mr. Reagan was the President who appointed this Barbados Bandit in Eric Holder to the DC Superior Court as a judge.

It is time that the impeachable character of Eric Holder face United States Justice on the side he belongs in his long banditry career as a defendant.

agtG 253

Eric Holder crimes in plain sight and site

Obama Ghetto Green Olympics Lost Mourning

I like most Americans, have not seen, looked at or cared to be one part of the Olympics. I detest the Olympics as affirmative action for non sports and welfare sports for people who should be out working for a living.

It is in that, that I have had to endure weeks now of those globalists, sovereign neutered, chicom, artistic creatures over at Google in their praise to the Olympics which look like something from George Orwell's Big Brother 1984 for depressing ugliness or something like anthrax vomit in being so algae blue green stinky like one finds on lake shores where Democrat Tim Johnson builds parks to nowhere in South Dakota.

There is just something off in the propagandists of Google in how they see the world. One would think something should be festive, bright colors and pretty about the Olympics.
The first Olympics had allot of naked and laurel which is quite lovely in skin tones and earth colors, but where does Google get off in making everything look Obama puke green color?

There is no uggo off green, off blue or blackish grey in the Olympics flag.

What was Google still in mourning over the Obama's in not getting the Olympics for Chicago?

All I feel though in my soul is that I have been tortured for two weeks by Google and I want Barack Hussein Obama in his new Patriot Act torture thingy dingy laws to arrest Google for torturing myself which is a good representative for all mankind in this Olympics Al Gore globalist color puke and fine them...........maybe a nice ranch for me in New Mexico where I can get Ray Milligan to trap my coyotes for me, large enough for nice bunker for Bunker 109 to fit in and room for a dozen ponies as I like ponies.......that could soothe my tortured soul in what Google has done to me.
If the Europeans can terrorize Google who is working for NSA and who terrorized this blog, then certainly I am due some just reward for all of this. I can put up with my blogs being hacked up, but when I have to look at art that looks like a mollusk hacked up a rotting oyster, that is my limit and I want the halo head to put Patriot Act on Google and get me a ranch with room for Ray Milligan and 12 ponies.

My only recourse in dealing with this has been I did see on a paparazzi program the lovely American Lady Dorothy Hammill. I care not any longer for Peggy Flemming as I heard something about her being injured in some Vice Presidential limo, and if she was riding around with Aaron Burr Biden, I no longer find her a sweetheart, but a Biden girl.............well none of it matters as it was tabloid TV with that little squirt Billy something who looks like Eddie Haskells perverted little brother and with a name like Billy Bush, it says how much of a pervert he if Peggy Flemming was behaving herself, it doesn't matter as it was all Obama television and he smears people all the time on Entertainment Tonight.

But Dorothy Hammill, oh yum, she still is looking in vixen form in her petite little figure now aged to maturity, but she really looks like she needs someone to put a sparkle in her eye and a smile on her face.
Ms. Hammill was related a Tonya Harding event where, oh did you hear that Nancy Kerrigan's like brother croaked their old man? What the heck is coming to in these chic athletes as that Soviet chic was selling dope or something, but I digress.
Someone Ms. Hammill said who was an Olympic welfare recipient with her coach tried to run over America's golden girl, even if the car was going really slow, and Dorothy would not say who the ice assassinette was, it really bothered me in a tabloid sense, and I just wanted to rub Dorothy's legs to make her feel better........comfort her.........give her solace.........well it was mostly just to caress those figure skater legs for full mutual benefit and pleasure, as I give Godlike massages, if God gave massages, He would give them like me, and I am quite certain Dorothy would smile and her eyes would sparkle at my manipulations.

I do not know if she is married, but if she is, her husband must be warned to treat her like the Princess she is, as there is only one Dorothy Hammill.

So with that, I feel much better in thinking of pretty Dorothy Hammill and not that uggo Google Olympic things, but Google must be warned that this blogs greatest friend and fiend, Barack Hussein Obama is now on Patriot Act case and I fully expect remuneration or rerancheration or something in a ranch for this Olympic torture and room for an old coyote trapper with room for 12 ponies.
Jeff Richter what's his name can come too and that Ohioan, although Coon Richter can not trap my cats as pussy territory is my venue on my el rancho and Carroll Black of Ohio can trap all the coons he wants providing I get two Davy Crockett hats, one for me and one for my coming new best friend, Dorothy Hammill, ice goddess of the high chaparrals.

That was a good western High Chaparral, Mano and Blue, Buck and his gorgeous Hispanic wife.........been awhile since I saw that, but I forget her name, sort of like the Hawaiian in the opening credits of Hawaii Five need to be jealous Ms. Hammill, as ........well no need to be jealous as it is a statistical fact there is enough of me to go around.
I am no Hugh Hefner though in being lewd, just am good little me, the harmless lint, while Barack Obama is my savage nation unleashing Naps Napolitano on Google with Patriot Act.

happy days.


That old Obama nation rapist

Well, well, what have we here, the Obama buddies, the nation rapists, in Warren Buffett and George Soros, the devilish duo, who Soros is who annointed Obama to steal the White House in Birdie's first meeting and Buffett held his hand in Obama potty trashing of America, are back on the world stage for their pounds of human flesh.

Yupper, you betcha, as the entire American and western world plummets into Super Depression from Obama benefactor rapine as Obama loots the US Treasury, there sits old George Soros and old Warren Buffett making out like the literal bandits they are.

Word leaked out that in the run on the Euro, which is designed to screw the Greeks, Spanish and Portuguese out of their livelihoods, is making Germany stagnant and turning what is left of the Slavic peoples into ashes to ashes and dust to dust, that it was George Soros, nation rapist supreme who was the shill once again bleeding free nations states dry of funds all for his Rothschild benefactors.
The European empire is about to arise folks and the pyre it is built on is Soros raping the European economies.
This Soros is who met with Obama and gave him the European blessing to be in the White House over Hillary Clinton. This Soros is an international bandit and belongs in a court where crimes against humanity are judged. He raped the British Pound, raped the US Dollar, raped Romanians of their own gold, raped Georgia to run the Jews out of there and raped by the Philistines and the Jews in the Israeli state in buying up all the resources in the area.

Get why Obama is pushing so hard for the Palestinian state? Soros and the Europeans own all the mineral and oil wealth now to plunder.

Added to this is Obama's dinosaur chum, of Warren chicom cars Buffett. Buffett is hilarious in the excrement he spews into the press, because just months ago he was lying about how his profit margins were all down and how bad his company had it.
This is from the guy who raped America, stole US savings from Citizens for tens of billions of dollars, then went on a firesale buying spreed in trains to Penny Pritzker's assets (yes that Penny of Obama money laundering in the 2008 campaign) in taking over key segments of the American economy.
Now we find out that old nation rapist Buffett was lying to the press, in his Berkshire Hathaway, while the rest of America is imploding, going bankrupt, actually had a net income jump of 61% in 2009.

Think about that folks. Here we have a guy who whispers in Obama's ear, has Bearick bouncing on his knee, is importing Chicom cars which American workers will not be building, and Warren Buffett makes a 61% INCREASE while the rest of America is in an Obama Super Depression.

Wow that couldn't remotely look like Soros and Buffett are insiders benefitting from insider information, protected by the cartels and that Obama and Tim Geithner are not illegally benefiting them in policy now could it?

Of course not, because Barack Hussein Obama never even bothered to investigate this hisself as he did with his crimes in the Rod Blagojevich affair, declaring no crimes were committed, as this nation rape is so above board that no one even bothers to send Patrick Fitzgerald in to arrest some more Slavs like Rod Blagojevich to take the fall.

This is past time for calls for criminal investigation and indictments of Obama Inc. and his nation rapists. There is no way in this world that anyone can be raiding national currencies in these Super Depression times and making 61% profits without it being criminal insider protection and information when the rest of the world is sinking into the Obama abyss.

It is noted here, and it is called for in the next Congress to start criminal investigations where Eric Holder will only cover up crimes as this.

It is a crime against humanity to have the only oasis in a desert and selling water for ten thousand dollars a bottle. It is a crime to profit from other peoples misery in obscene profits when there is a staged Obama Super Depression being inflicted upon the world.

These are criminals. It is time it is noted and when the revolution of the Tea Party comes to power across the globe that these bandits all be hauled before Nuremberg trials, tried fairly and when found guilty, all their fortunes seized and as pirates of old, be hung for the international crimes against humanity they have conducted.


Obama crony George Soros nation rapist

Obama crony Warren Buffett nation rapist

To build a fire

I have been on a quest and this is probably a good time to explain a few simple things for brain defunct Obama voters as God has storms teaching them a lesson climate change, as God is in charge of all things, even if He allows satan to inflict harm.

What this lesson is about is simple cooking when the electric goes off. First one needs a fire containment structure, outside, in gravel that will not catch the grass or neighbors on fire.
One can utilize concrete blocks to form a U shape.
I built a monstrous chimney thing, with oven and grill. It is lovely, but is far too big to be reasonable, so I have gone back to my keep it simple stupid lesson from Major Bodicker.
Amazing how old, bald headed beaver trappers in the professor ranks, whose brains are subject to freezing always have it right.

Charcoal is lovely, and I just built a ring out of aluminum metal to light my charcoal, with a pliers to lift it off as hot metal burns hands.
You can use rolled up newspapers too for fuel, and twigs. You do not need 500 pound oak blocks of wood. Little is usually better.

For a grate I use that metal X weave panels one sees in construction. I makes pretty patterns on steaks too. If cooking directly on the gate, I found an old square electric skillet cover which keeps the birds from pooping on my steaks, the snow from wetting them or cats from running off with them.
Also helps to keep those cats from licking on my grate after it cools.

I use cast iron as cast iron does not melt on fires. Amazing thing that is in people just do not quite figure out that microwave pans melt on fire and pretty plastic handles catch on fire.
I have a couple of "cowboy" pans I fixed up that were horridly rusty, but were of light stamped metal and deep. The key to this is light metal is a pisser on normal stoves as it heats too fast, but with limited fire, they heat up quick.
While not pancake quality as without practice they will burn, with enough hot oil, which too will catch on fire, it fries up meat and potatoes toot sweet.

Viscosity is the word in this as most people have no idea about cooking oils any more and far too many dipsticks on PBS cooking shows are yacking about fruit or vegetable oils without ever figuring out how much of a coating they really give.
There is a reason that lards were utilized beyond availability in the old days. Hog, coon, bear etc... lard has a better seasoning and coating effect than oil, canola or corn oil. Lard does contain some water which splatters, but it adheres to a better covering on metal so your valuable food does not stick.
People will probably have to be told that meat that is wet, as most meat is because it is injected with water as water is cheap and adds poundage, is what makes meat stick to a pan. Dry your meat if it is not fresh.

Butter makes a better bread baking coating, in starting out with a cold pan, so bread does not stick. I will not use nonstick pans as they will flake and above 500 degrees they start giving off poisonous gases. So understanding oil with viscosity, and how to use it, is fundamental.
I like corn oil for flavor, but never use it any longer as it is too "watery" to be of any good. Peanut tastes like peanut butter and olive has a fruity flavor. Canola just kind of sits there, and as most of that is all frankenfood poison, I will not eat what rabbits will not touch.

For the million dollar information which apparently my billionaire readers are too tight to hand over the green for in all the information given freely here, I will teach you how to build a little cooking fire.
Forget that stupid tipi Boy Scout design we all see pictures of. It is hell to try and build, and you are not needing a high flame to warm yourself, will not be using a reflector oven to bake bread as you do not have one, will spread sparks around the neighborhood burning it down and sending a beacon to have idiots to come over and see what you are doing.
I came upon by God's Inspiration a much more effect method in the log cabin design. Yes you just break your semi large sticks into pieces and make a log cabin without a roof.
Bigger sized logs can be laid on each side, which helps stop the wind and adds to the right draft. They also start on fire for extending cooking.
Inside this cabin structure of about 12 inches by 12 inches, one puts in tinder, The little cabin nurtures the young flames and in a few minutes you will have a lovely little bond to cook goodies on.
Feed it and in 15 minutes supper is cooked.

The nice part about snow covering everything, is it keeps things from starting on fire. If you need to be told to shovel down to the ground as snow melts, perhaps now is the time as snow melting puts out fires.

I have been hoarding matches as of late as they were cheap. I tried the large matches and they were horrid. The smaller wooden matches were superior, so I have boxes of them now each time I visit my supply center. I also store them in those holiday tins which are all over now and thrown away for under a dollar.
As someone who has the equipment to build fires by bow saws and sticks, I can tell you to simply buy matches when they are cheaply available, keep them dry and you will enjoy life a great deal better when the electricity goes dry.

That probably is enough information for urbanite minds to try to deal with, along with pot holders to keep your hands from being burned and covered pans to keep your food secure after it is cooked.

So with that, happy days.
