Sunday, December 5, 2010

John McCain this is your country calling you

This blog is no stranger to kicking the hell out of John McCain, because he simply needs it most days. In noting that, I have noticed a pattern coming from John McCain which makes me surmise that the postings here on this blog are figuring into how the gears of John McCain's mind is processing information.

I firmly believe that John McCain in 2008 was set up by Karl Rove, deliberately sabotaged by the Bush family, just as McCain was destroyed in 2000 by the Rovians in allowing George W. Bush to take the White House.

Was McCain an ass in retaliating on Bush? You bet he was.

What is happening now though with John McCain is that twice he has come out without that much prompting to glowingly promote Sarah Palin.
The last episode was on CNN, in which John McCain compared Sarah Palin to Ronald Reagan, a featured often found here.

What this blog believes is John McCain is processing information from the past 2 years, and concluding from Sarah Palin's evidence against Nicole Wallace and Steve Schmidt that Karl Rove and George W. Bush deliberately divided the GOP by Mitt Romney slandering Fred Thompson, installing Obama to inherit massive problems he would fail at, all so Jeb Bush will become Vice President in 2012 on the Romney ticket.
This is a decades old operation as astute as Karl Rove's RINO rule for generation.

John McCain appears to have figured the betrayal he suffered out which cost him and America the opportunity to not have this Obama Super Depression and nuclear terror nightmare burgeoning inside and outside these United States.
McCain in that is backing Sarah Palin, because he knows very well both of them were set up for failure, and have been smeared to the sidelines.

This blog proved recently it's contention the Bush family was backing Romney, when the elder Bush's told Larry King they did...........and George W. told an interviewer he wanted Jeb to run.

The problem in this is the "people on the right" just do not want to hear that they are being played by Rush Limbaugh and that the Bush family for all the good they had done, are some of the worst scorched earth Stalinists in ruining Americans that have ever walked the sea to shining sea. These folks on the right are as maniac as the Obama backers who refuse to admit what a disaster Obama is.

John McCain though appears to have things figured out, and he appears to be setting the stage to stop the Bush family from installing Bush par tres in 2012. That I'm personally all for as what Rovians have been up to is reprehensible and completely criminal. They have promoted election theft by Al Franken in not prosecuting him nor protecting America to wiping out gun dealers across America for 8 years.

Naval Officer McCain might have the brass on his monkey after all to endure this Karl Rove Cold War on American Conservatives. I would suggest to Senator McCain to chair a hearing into all of the smearing of GOP Conservatives from Jewish George Allen, Jewish Norm Coleman having his Minnesota seat stolen by Al Franken, Ladies like Catholic Christine O'Donnell to Grandmother Sharron Angle.
That list looks like anti semitism, bigotry and misogyny by Karl Rove and the Bush folks........all defined under federal law as a RICO ACT violation in organized hate crimes to destroy Americans by slander.

One would think that NOW, ACLU and that Southern Poverty Defense Fund would be most interested in a subject like this of organized race and gender crimes coming from one political syndicate chaired by Karl Rove.

Winning with Ronald Reagan or with Kristi Noem, does not take away the crimes assaulted upon them in character rape and violations of their privacy. There is no Bush by gones be by gones in this, as these barbarians are back at this again.
John McCain has sat too flat on his deck in what Obama has been slaughtering United States Soldiers in that stupid "support the troops if not Obama" line, which gets fine Americans murdered.
You can win the war and still support the Troops safety and still expose Obama for the fraud he is in league with Islamic terrorists.

You can support Sarah Palin in more than just saying what this blog does. You, Senator McCain can blow this open and remove this patrician cancer from the GOP which destroyed Dan Quayle from within, almost destroyed Clarence Thomas, is calling Ronald Reagan road kill, is raping politically American Conservative Ladies, is creating a political Jewish holocaust on Republican Conservative Jews (Do not forget Norm Coleman bucked George W. Bush and Karl Rove retaliated by allowing Al Franken to steal that GOP Senate seat) and is still seeking to wipe you from the scene John McCain in degrading your perfect choice in Sarah Palin as your running mate.

John McCain this is your nation calling you. Since you didn't retire when I begged you to, dust off the uniform and protect America one more time. You protect it though from the patricians within the GOP eating it like a cannibal chewing off his own head.

These Rovaians have captured you, imprisoned you, tortured you, smeared your service and now are seeking to bury in in a rice paddy under a pile of water buffalo scat.

Play the game John McCain, tap tap tap like the woodpeckers of the Hanoi Hilton.

You didn't let Jane Fonda win then, but you let her get off. Don't let Hanoi Rove win this time, and for America's sake don't let any of them get off this time.


She cried to the southern wind
About a love that was sure to end
Every dream in her heart was gone
Headin' for a Showdown

Bad dreamer, what's your name?
Looks like we're ridin' on the same train
Looks as through there'll be more pain
There's gonna be a Showdown

And it's rainin' all over the world
It's raining all over the world
Tonight, the longest night

She came to me like a friend
She blew in on a southern wind
Now my heart is turned to stone again
There's gonna be a Showdown

Save me, oh, save me
It's unreal, the suffering
There's gonna be a Showdown

And it's rainin' all over the world
It's raining all over the world
Tonight, the longest night

Some advice to Ben Sherwood

I see that Disney has hired a new goofy to run the Mickey Mouse news division of propaganda at ABC. As I would prefer looking at Joan Lunden's legs than a bald Ben Sherwood living in Literalville, which means he BOHICA's to the anal intellectuals, wins awards and Americans never watch his stuff.

There was a time when Kathleen Sullivan, Jane Pauli and Joanie Lunden used to have "who can hike their skirts up to their crotches on the morning programs" which was quite entertaining long ago, but when that Chetry woman had her Twatzika booted off of FOX for going over muff drive, the era of what makes news watchable ended.

I digress, but I don't.........

See I got the BBC news to put chics on their American broadcasts in showing standing profiles and them from the side. This worked sexy for their presenters like Karin and Martine, but for some gay reason they stopped and put on Mike who looks like a bad sodom lay.........these folks always have to go gay in the liberal media as the bosses apparently are sitting on the couch jacking off to the male anchors.

To help Ben out, as he needs help with that horrid ABC everything, he really needs to jam the old cob in the old cobs and fire the lot of them. Diane Sawyer is just bizarre in her orgasmic story gushing and it is a big turn off seeing dripping grannies.
Sure that is GMA, but the idea is there in there is too much Charlie Gibson in the Obama gay shower interviews going on and the females are so iceberg no one is going to be sitting there masturbating to Amanpour.

Do I really mean to say that television ratings are linked to who is jacking off to who? As Porky Pig would say, "That's all folks".

ABC has to get their anchors out from behind the desk so full body shots are there. ABC needs to get in some bodies in short skirts, clever little slits that when the chics move in reporting the promise of more to come is what keeps the little jackers watching, and telling other little jackers to tune in, instead of watching porn on the internet.

Meredith Vierra and Jane Wallace broke into the news at CBS with bush shots in Nicaragua and the Contras. They wore short little khaki bush outfits, and Jane was the cush in all the right spots of curves that made both stars.
Now I'm not talking about the English whore CBS had prowling around who never showed anything while breaking up marriages, but I'm talking about putting on a Fredricks of Hollywood visual show..........and that means putting the anchors into uniforms for vibrator appeal.

My brother used to run routes in delivering dairy for a company. He told me that women used to flock to him in asking if he was a police officer, because the company uniform looked to protect and serve.
Ben.............dude, it is spelled out for you, so get your Bill Maher alphabet to write it with your tongue on the netherworld of viewers for their pleasure.

You sex up your news by f*cking with the audience, and you keep your audience mildly interested by doing stories no one else in the Obama media is going to fondle.

I doubt you got a brain big enough to grasp this Ben Sherwood, but your place in history is waiting and it's first step is bringing down Barack Hussein Obama for the undocumented fraud he is.
Jake Tapper is so crawled up Obama's ass that he looks like a suppository, but hire some people who will do the job Ben...............

Jerome Corsi.

Michael Savage.

Mark Levin.

Aaron Klein.

Jack Cashill.

I know Ben, you are thinking, "Hey there is no skirt in that lot!"

Bright boy Ben, that is why you haul in Joseph Farah's little girl and Hannah Giles for the eye candy of thought as they make the boys in uniforms above have cross section appeal.

You out fox FOX by exposing them for what Obama supporters they are. You draw in that audience from cable, make it broadcast, and glaze it over with some Rita Flynn type liberals flashing their bodies, and ABC will blow FOX, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and CBS off the air.

Rita Flynn your news Ben, and don't go off screwy with local talent that looks bizarre on national focus and for your sake Ben, do not Les Moonves your flat chested, big mouthed, straight haired no body wife to clone the cast.

Find some bodies, even French bodies with pouty lip accents, and let them chatter on your old Stealth stories as no one cares, because that is about legs, rewarding viewers for watching and broiling Obama slowly over the next year in creating your own little Watergate for him as he handed it to you on a silver platter.

Now Ben Sherwood, I know you are in need of validation, and are busy like Rush Limbaugh googling your name, so you and your staff are reading be aware Ben that I have started a policy that when folks steal from me, I take it to God and He deals out the respect. Rush Limbaugh owes me 7 million dollars for his plagiarism and the interest is growing.

I will make a deal Ben with you for making you and ABC the talking point of the world. You put me on the payroll in stealth, provide me a staff of my choosing, Disney private jets at my beck and call, access to Disney lands in I can do anything on them I please, and a 7 year unbreakable contract with satellite, internet, computers and ABC pays the taxes.
As my personal addition, you will agree to feature internet bloggers as part of the news, uncensored and let loose to drive the news.

That Ben Sherwood if you have any brains you will do if you want a world audience and bringing news into the 21st century.
Oh and leave your Keith Olbermann and Rush Limbaugh snidety off in their monologues for hire. People on the right and left can get that Obama tone elsewhere........this is not about listening. This is about eye candy, glazing the news you want people to watch, and get the title of it before they start chanting what they are going to do to your naughty poodle of an anchor.

Put me on the payroll as I'm the only one pointing out your are a failure already.

That's about it.


Julian Assange unplugged

I have a penchant for raspberry blush nail polish. It is always a surprise the first time a friend paints their nails for you and announces, "I painted my nails raspberry blush just for you".

There is something about deep red colors in burgundies which are so attractive in wine goblets, whorehouse pillows and silk sheets.

I digress........

Oh you will like this as it is not about raspberry blush, but about that Wikileaker, Julian of Oz, as I have waited around, bestowed the medal of honor on that little beret head who lifted the information, and no one has gotten what this is about as they have been watching the girl.

Rule number one, as I make the rules states that the world is plus minus. Who benefits in the Wikileaks and who loses? That is the way one profiles the game as knowing the rules makes playing the game so much easier.

OK, I have heard, "Boy that Julian better not piss of the Russians or they will terminate him".

Silly, silly, silly, as Jules is running a site set up by Chinese leakers.

Wow the best computer hacking saboteurs in the world in the Chicoms and they can't shut down Wikileaks in Europe.

That is really believable isn't Hillary Clinton having that lipstick lesbian working for her and the lesbian is there for the sex.

Have you noticed in this that the Jewish state is not in the least humiliated in these Wikileaks? I guess that is a coincidence too.

If you remember in this little game, that the original leaks involved the names of Afghanistan operatives, about the only ones who were not working for al Qaeda, were leaked.

Alrighty, now let us return to Obama 101 in his Twitter Revolution which was nothing but exposing as payback to the Persian communists, all the names of the Iranian Patriot movement on Twitter, which got them murdered, arrested, murdered, beat, murdered and executed and murdered.

Gee you don't think that Obama allowed the Afghanistan operatives names to be leaked now do you in order to payback his "good" terrorists in rooting them out, just like Obama and these MI6 communist operatives who were running a coup on Karzai and you do remember that Taliban fraud MI6 dumped in the CIA's lap which cost America a fortune before he disappeared.

So twice now Muslims friendly to America, have been exposed by associating with Obama, and Obama never lifted finger protecting them, and they are in some form of hell.

The question now is why would Russian FSB, Chicom PLA or anyone else in Eurasia Obamaland ever desire any harm to come to Jules when he is working so well for them.

Do you really think that the little beret head who stole all of this information was not known to the NSA from the first little bragging email he sent to this mesh of hackers and Wikileaks?

Therefore Janet Napolitano, Leon Panetta, Eric Holder and Barack Hussein Obama have known from day one what this information was, and if someone in the House Intelligence Oversight Committed cared to subpoena the records, it is a given that some tracks of this were left concerning exactly what this information was, how it could be used in spin and someone in the Obama group figured out not long ago to call in a card from the Obama central European cartel to focus on documents which would paint Hillary Clinton as the Stalinist thug she has always been in spying on everyone and blackmailing everyone.

Do not forget children the Rothschilds punished Hillary in making the throw the election to Obama for Bill selling that Asian uranium out from under them. They know very well that the Clintons are in a coup to bring down Obama, as much as Obama has figured it out, as he read it here first.
It is not that the Rothschilds have any allegiance to their joke Obama or can get anything more from him, but it is a matter of Obama owing the cartel more in this, and the cartel benefits in America in Rush Limbaugh gridlock in this inter Democrat blood sport.
That is as this blog stated from day one is what this has always been about, in tying America up in this infighting and dealing with Obama, so being occupied the central Europeans and their Chicom hordes of slaves and Russian might would be able to divide the pie without America's cherry in it.

Do you know begin to see what Wikileaks is about? This is high stakes and the Jewish geniuses who created Stuxnet in using it to hump the Iranian nuclear programs are using Wikileaks to screw with Obama for screwing with them for 2 years.
There are so many layers in this in all are using the same operational code in these international socialists in each are sticking the knife into their adversary.

Julian Assange could not be more safe as he is in his mother European socialist arms.

In need of some more points?

How about who is after Jules? Eric Holder pretends to want him, but it is Interpol, the same Interpol which has been accusing Jules of sex crimes, which Obama signed America over to their monitoring authority.
They have been hunting little Julian for a year, and just can't seem to find him, even in London which has a camera even under the Queen's skirt.........but Julian is still roaming about.

Seems like a great deal of the girl protesting too much does it not and Jules keeps sticking the stiffy to the folks he was designed to tweak.

That probably is enough information to digest in this little operation which has so many players, and sub players, playing each other both ends against the middle.

I do like raspberry blush on a woman's nails. I though do not get caught looking at the girl alone as with women you just know something is always going on in them and all their suitors around them, do not like you looking.

Oh if Julian is a good boy, he will get a Valerie Plame big retirement deal.......of course she got stuck with Joe Wilson..........

Some deal huh.
