Friday, December 4, 2015

CAUTION: Large Breast Radioactive Thoughts

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Credit is due to media mogul Jeff Rense and his cast of Canadian Dana Durnford  and Yoichi Shimatsu for their constant featuring of Fukahima in it's radioactive contamination of the American coasts and inland.
The reason for the credit is, Right Wing News in very large breasted Cassy Fiano, and we know she is large breasted as she features them, or is seen hiding behind them like the Great Wall of China, has now posted on this story which the Rense people have been writing on for years.

The reason for this post is this end article comment by the brainy Miss Fiano:

The good news is that the radiation is not at dangerous levels. In all likelihood, there’s no reason to be concerned, especially since top scientists are continuing to monitor the situation.

I am not meaning to be unkind in this, but I will explain this so people understand radiation, is like mercury, is like all poison which does not break down.

When nuclear fallout appears in America due to Obama policies, you will be ordered not to eat milk products, eggs, animal or plant fats, due to the fact, that just like Great Lakes fish have the fat along their backbones cut out due to toxic levels of steel industry poisons still in the lake, which are eaten by the bottom feeders, which minnow and insects eat, which the trout and walleye eat.........means like cows eating grass in millions of blades which have radiation on them, that by the time you or some wolf are gnawing on that fat content, means those "non toxic" levels, become concentrated levels as the little organisms concentrate them and they become more concentrated in plant and animal fats.

So for Miss Fiano, a plankton, krill or algae absorbs cesium to concentrate it. Some larger minnow predator eats the or as in whales eat the krill, and all of that nuclear fat goes into their fat deposits. Meaning your lobster, clams, pollack are getting a mega dose of cesium, which when it ends up on your table, you are receiving a concentrated dose, directly into your body at nuclear fallout levels.

I have posted on this, that it is not Fukushima alone, but it is the toxic dump of Asian industry, as all of those factories are belching out tons of radioactive and other toxins, which are flowing down the rivers and raining into the oceans, to join Fukushima, in it's toxic dump appearing off the American coast now.......and yes my children something which Miss Fiano has not discovered is the fact that oceans evaporate, and that water goes into the air, is uneven heated and cooled, to produce a weather front, which in concentration starts in storm fronts of snow and rain, begins dropping 'hot zone' rains and snows all across the United States.

Now this is not as charged as a nuke going off on Denver, and the dust cloud raining fry yourself crispy in Kansas City, but it is how all this cesium is starting to appear in other areas of America. All of that soot from China and India, along with all that evaporation from the ocean, is falling out in North America.

As I do not own a Geiger Counter and I doubt my brother's friend at the grocery he owns would allow me to go sweep the fish and things as a test, I am wondering what kind of rads are going to start being picked up, as this is a building problem, in once radioactivity that does not decay goes into the food chain, it concentrates like Obama voters to regime handouts.

This is why well meaning writers who post on websites in mass, should ask someone who is beyond the always experts, as their expertise falls short and then repeats a Mockingbird propaganda of "no harm here".

Americans keep being exposed to toxic radiation in safe amounts, and in not so long of time, they have tumor and cancer causing concentrations in their organs and are mystified as to how it all got there.

-----On another note:

Right Wing News, Terresa Monroe Dash Hamilton, posted about the media contaminating the San Fernando Muslim Mass Murder's apartment........

Just ask yourself after reading what the Lame Cherry posts tomorrow on the Real Syed Farook, in whose interests would it be for the cop state to stand down, and the media who is paid Mockingbird salaries, to go in and trash a crime scene?

Nuff said


Mark Zuckerberg Enables Muslim Terrorists

                             the flute charmer


As another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.

This is a bit of a genital tease, as I have been busy since last night, when of course the toilet decided to become a tool of satan. So I have been busy, but I desired to wait and post on the real affiliation of Syed Farook and the Flute Charmer for Saturday, as all of you have now been regaled as the press has caught up to the Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, that it was the wife to watch and not the husband.

There has not been one apology for the misogyny to women from the press in the Flute Charmer being overlooked, in this all being male oriented. Did not the Lame Cherry post forensic psychological white papers on Islam, stating  that Islam is a Dom sub culture where the sub women are in charge? Of course Lame Cherry told you all that, and when a terror event takes place featuring a skirt, you are all looking at the penis again.

What I am going to tell you in the tease for tomorrow is, just because Malik the Flute Charmer, was praising ISIS on her Facebook page.........yes she does not get banned from Mark Zuckerberg's NSA Facebook, but the Lame Cherry does.
I will repeat that in Mark Zuckerberg enables terrorists who mass shoot in California, but a Conservative Christian in Lame Cherry is instead terrorized.

I have a suggestion to Orly Taitz or some grande California litigant, to file a class action lawsuit on behalf of the victims of San Bernadino against Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook, for enabling this Malik the Flute Charmer so she can ramp up terror events against Americans.
This is a multi billion dollar lawsuit for some enterprising attorney as Facebook has deep liberal pockets and there is not a jury in the world who is not going to take money from Zuckerberg and give it to the families who were murdered with Facebooks help.

I digress........

But just because the Flute Charmer is praising ISIS, does not mean that is who she was directly coordinating with. That is important and tomorrow I will tell you what inquiry pointed to, and you will probably figure out why it is that ISIS is being credited with this.

I am exhausted from more bills and debt, so that is the update from last night which will publish Sabbath Saturday.......and once you read the Lame Cherry exclusive which is the fact and not the misdirection, you will now know what I know.

Yes let us not hate the Muslim, let us love thy Muslim to converting them to Christianity, back in the Mideast where they belong in their own homelands free from Obama ISIS.


The Flute Player

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Americans are gullible beyond compare.

If John Dillinger's brother told you, that he had no idea his brother was a gangster, would you believe him?

If Saddam Hussein's brother told you, that he had no idea his brother tortured people, would you believe him?

It is so odd, in none of you believe a thing coming out of George W. Bush's mouth, and yet when Farhan Khan, the Islamic brother in law of the Muslim who just  shot up California with his imported wife, tells you he had no idea his relatives were believe the Associated Press as it is fact, because we all know that Muslims never lie, never terrorize people, never cheer when Americans are mass slaughtered and never murder people.

Speaking at an Anaheim Islamic center, Farhan Khan, brother-in-law of Tashfeen and Farook, said that he was completely unaware of any plans that the couple may have had to carry out the mass shooting. Khan himself was floored by the news, reported AP.

This is the American Nightmare. You have Muslim immigrants who appear in America, get divorced, the family breaks up, the old Muslim veil wearer gets the kids, and then places an ad online for a crippled wife for this Syed Farook.
You have to get something is wrong in this family, when they are looking for a wife for their son, and he is scouring the internet, and one of the terms is the woman is a cripple. That should throw up red flags.

A profile appearing to be for San Bernardino, California killer Syed Farook was posted on a dating website called iMilap, which caters to people with disabilities as well as people looking for a second marriage. Farook's profile, allegedly posted by his parents, describes a modern Muslim who enjoyed target practice in the backyard with his siblings. According to the profile, Farook did not have a physical disability. 

All of this goes back to the Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, in the Flute Player AKA the some kind of wife of Syed Farook, Tashfeen Malik.


What we know of this border jumper is she is supposed to be Pakistani. We know that Farook went to Saudi Arabia for a month, and appeared with a wife, who somehow in the OBAMA REGIME AMNESTY OF MUSLIM TERRORISTS, got out of Saudi Arabia, where she was not a national, and into America as a "fiance" K1 Visa for Farook.

We know for certain, that there were not any terrorist activities, until this Pakistani Obama import appeared on the scene. We also know other realities.

Farook and Malik appeared from the Mideast in the "spring" as a fiance. In doing the math on immaculate conceptions like Stan Ann Dunham being a 10 month baby and Birther Hussein being an 8 month baby, that these Muslims were dipping in the couscous before marriage in fornication, because a kid popped out way too soon.

Inquiry points to Tashfeen Malik was a hinterlands black widow. Her original mission was to gain access to Saudi Arabia to mask her identity, gain her American access and unleash terror inside America. This woman was a terror implant from the beginning.

Malik obviously had absolutely no ties to motherhood, in her prime directive was to carry out this attack using what could best be described as her smoking pot between her legs as incentive, as her whatever kind of husband Farook was, he was an absolute shining example of Barack Hussein Obama and Jerry Brown's affirmative action.

Farook was from a family advertising for crippled or mentally retarded women as wives, and his education and command of English, "being reared in America" was F level grade. Yet in Jerry Brown's California, this man had a state job, inspecting food, earning an incredible wage.
Syed Farook was low IQ and did not belong anywhere near the job he was hired for. That is the reality, but California is now such a cop state that if any American reports a mob of Muslims, it is the American who would get into trouble........just like it would be an American who would get into trouble for asking why in this world, someone who could not even write an intelligent sentence was hired by the regime in a position of power.

All of this centers around the "holiday party" at the regime center, because that is what set all of this off. Farook was at the center. There was the black SUV. It is apparent that he had loaded this vehicle with pipe bombs, ammunition and firearms, before he entered the party and then left. To reappear with the Flute Player and the brother, to begin the Terrortard Attack.
I am going to point something out in this again. The Obama regime armed and trained these terrorists in their central orbit. This means they have taught them to attack liberal gatherings. This means they have trained them to use methods which will not inflict maximum casualties, because these terrortards are not bright enough to know ammunition, firearms or have the ability to build pipe bombs that detonate...........

I am going to give a Lame Cherry exclusive again in matter anti matter. If you recall Oklahoma City, Terry Nichols reported that the bomb which he and McVeigh built, was not the bomb which  took down the Murrah Building. The minder running that operation was Larry Potts, whose operatives were supplying detonators and explosives.
Inquiry points to in this "group of Muslims" which neighbors were afraid to report in the neighborhood in being accused of racial profiling, states there was a regime minder in this group directing it, exactly like Hutatree.
As OKC and Hutatree were BATFE guided, inquiry is pointing to something about the Department of Education, having a shadow operation, which is hidden from Congress, but is answering to Homeland Security. It was this minder who built the pipe bombs, deliberately like Bill Ayers bombs were built to not detonate.....unless to kill his own terrorists which he was minding.

I will repeat, that there is a minder at large in this group, who is employed by the regime, who built the pipe bombs, so they would be defective.

What inquiry points to is the conduit at Homeland who was monitoring this, allowed this attack to proceed, because they are at odds with the Obama regime in allowing in all of these Muslim terrorists. I thought it perhaps was a competing faction, but that is not the case. Someone powerful enough just tied terrorism to the Obama regime to make this an issue.
Inquiry points to over 20 such events in the pipeline to be initiated.

Now you know a great deal more than you were ever supposed to with this. I do not want people plagiarizing this as a false flag operation. It was not. It was an operation in the works, and it was simply not stopped. The Flute Player is key in this in the Pakistan connection. There is something about the Obama drone strikes in this which harmed her family, in that dope trade which the regime was setting up in good and bad terrorists.

I leave this at that, as "tis the season" has made the majority of you Scrooges in thinking a few poor people donating is the measure of giving as you steal from this blog information you will never get from anywhere else.


The Charitable Terrorism of Mark Zuckerberg

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am not going to waste a great deal of space on the latest Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook's criminal rape of the poor, because his "charity" is nothing but a Soros, Buffett, Gates, Ford Foundation fraud to destroy Americans and Europeans.

What it is, is this:

Zuckerberg does not pay taxes in being a tax cheat.

Zuckerberg spies on people for the NSA.

Zuckerberg then puts those billions into "foundations" which are tax free, and no one can get at the money.

That money is then used to tell Mexicans or Muslims to invade America, while funding propaganda as on PBS telling Americans they are responsible for the problems of this world.

The fact is that little Peking Zuckerberg, will inherit complete control of the Zuckerberg foundation billions, and live like a feudal despot, while the world starves. Warren Buffett set up such a billion dollar "charity" for his brat to manage forever, living like a royal.

This is how Mark Zuckerberg feeds off the world. Facebook spies on and terrorizes everyone. He cheats people out of business deals as he lives on his mountain top fortress, and in the end his little brat inherits everything in billions looted from you, and he calls it "charity".........yes the same charity which is bringing terrorists to America.
Do not forget the clock bomb builder Muslim that Zuckerberg championed and Obama posed with.......and Zuckerberg offered this little terrorist a job.

That sums up Mark Zuckerberg again, a criminal against humanity, worse than all those excoriated in history from Marie Antoinette to Saddam Hussein. All nation rapists like Buffett, Soros and Gates, and all running propaganda to dupe the masses in how charitable they are.

Mark Zuckerberg is not any different than Osama bin Laden. Zuckerberg just flies his computer programs into your homes to terrorize you, while living like a king as bin Laden did in all that leftist ilk.
