Monday, April 11, 2016

JTRIG Is Monitoring You

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After posting about my interesting day in making my life more of a hell, except in sharing photos of Norwegian cowbells in belated happy birthday blessings, I received these two letters thankfully and wanted to share parts of them to make you aware of how this is all interconnected.

I have blogged on and off since about 2007 and it was for the purpose of making money.....

I never received a letter about taxes and I know hundreds of bloggers in that blogging niche "mom blogs" and even the "book bloggers" and have never heard this even when we'd all be panicking around tax time.

I pray for you guys. I appreciate what you do and your faithfulness.

Interesting in this blog is so unique that I have special things happening to me all the time.

Then there was this interesting reality of friend here who was doing the Lord's work in posting in comment sections about Cruz crimes and noticed something highly interesting in the response:

I got into it with a cruzling. As the posts bounced back and forth during the week, maybe four each way, i noticed that who ever was on the other end "sounded" very different from the usual poster. They seemed to be too knowledgeable, too educated, too sophisticated for the level of fanaticism they were defending cruz with against the affair charges and wrote very long responses that didnt actually provide any facts, disprove any thing i was saying, just that no amount of smoke meant anything.

This adventure continued on, in the ranting posts being deleted on the site and the friend, someone getting his rarely used credit card hacked, and showing up renting porn, to which the Credit Card Company cancelled it.

Of course there are never any coincidences in any of this. The first manifestations of this were in 2008 when Obama unleashed his hired internet terrorists, who had Yahoo censoring even my emails, and an email story which was posted on Rense had him puzzled in it came back highlighted in part in yellow to send a message to me, to probably shut up.

When I warn all of you that there is a MOG squad, there are minders of government employed, and this is an entire division in intelligence, and it is being unleashed for Ted Cruz.

One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction. It’s time to tell a chunk of that story, complete with the relevant documents.
Over the last several weeks, I worked with NBC News to publish a series of articles about “dirty trick” tactics used by GCHQ’s previously secret unit, JTRIG (Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group). These were based on four classified GCHQ documents presented to the NSA and the other three partners in the English-speaking “Five Eyes” alliance.

I can inform all of you the obvious, in Ted Cruz does not have the money nor the volunteers to be bribing delegates around the globe, and he certainly does not have the operation to send out these trolls to try and steer comment sections, using one user account and being monitored by several assets.
Put it this way, just read Amanda Carpenter's Tweets sometime and you will figure out how stupid the Cruz people are quickly. What is taking place here is a regime agency has been given carte blanche like the IRS going after the Tea Party, the BLM going after the Bundy's, and this dirty tricks group, going after Americans, because Donald Trump is a threat to the system, and Ted Cruz is the asset to attempt to stop him.
I would add by the level of movement in this operation that the assassination threats have been negated, as there may be a fail safe file protecting Mr. Trump, and the war games might be pointing to a revolution too bloody to effectively contain at this time, so that protocol is off the table for now.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, this group of MOG's appears, skilled in propaganda, but not refined in intellectual forensics.......meaning these leisure suits do not wear Cruz hick boots very well in their vocabulary in they "think" this is what a martian sounds like.

What appears the case in the credit card fraud was a JTRIG lost their temper, and went into the system to track the ISP of the friend, pulled the credit card and in an off account started trolling for porn to create a problem for the friend.
They giggled about it in bottle water chat or their supervisor caught it, and was not pleased, so the operation was shut down and the comment section cleansed. Not professional of course, but you might remember those sex toys shipped to the Malheur Refuge.........yes you see a pattern here in this entire security state resorts to sex smears by instinct.

I did want to thank people for sharing and showing support, even donations. I appreciate it. Every so often I get some cucker emailing me with "donations are here" as their minds thing it is something funny as that type of mind does. Often enough I just get signed out of my emails as the more sophisticated lurkers are just checking and those are more professional.
It is this other mismanaged group of recruits who never were disciplined in the type of training the CIA requires of real agents, at least before everything went obamasexual, who are being plugged in and running on program like Monarch children, who are leaving the tracks that are far too obvious.

This started out in the odd club on Conservative Treehouse smearing this blog and other bloggers and has morphed into a more latch key operation with little discipline, sort of like cold call vendors. By the numbers, most of you have at least two MOG's shadowing you and you made the popular girl list.

On the flip side............with all of this intelligence asset being deployed, it means that Ted Cruz is sinking faster than ever, no matter what the fake polls and stolen elections are promoting, because you do not need JTRIG assets if you are winning the hearts and minds of need JTRIG when Donald Trump is having illegal intelligence operations conducted against him on several levels.

and on all of you on some level.

then came Monday. the poster had replied with a simple single sentence. "if you don't like cruz, then dont vote for him"
really? after the multi paragraph, complex writing? attacking my claims point by point? the escalating language? the threats? this simple one liner three days later in response to my anti-cruz summation? why even bother with a weak response like that? so of course I had to go to the site and check it out. lo and behold, the whole Friday attack had been user-deleted and just this one sentence added. who goes back after three days to delete a post?

Welcome to the popular girls club in JTRIG is monitoring you.

Nuff Said


Don't Go Breaking My Heart

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry wonders about child protection laws in children of United States Citizens, were purchased by British Elton John and Canadian Mr. Penis Hider, in another Equalz marriage farce gone wrong, because Elton John is claiming his husband never cheated on him, because he knew the Canadian fag was getting feces penis smell with other queers.

I wonder what fags queers are. I mean when you hear that Elton John had this beefy body guard and fondled him, and then said, "Show me your penis", it is just like how fag is that.
I mean any man wants to be commanded like, "Show me your cock!!!", as men have cocks and fags have penis...........a real man has a johnson, a tool, a crank..........fags have penis..........real men have rods, one eyed monsters, dicks..........fags have penis.

No man wants to show his penis. Boys have penis, and I do not want to go there in wondering what is going on with Sir Elton in that department.

Thing is Mr. Penis Harder, AKA David Furnish who does Elvis Costello gigs, was Tweeted in something about sex with a Daniel Laurence, in which I forget who demanded to have a penis shoved up their anus for  the scent of feces, but it happened, and apparently later a pool of olive oil wrestling took place in a threesome at the Elton John Mansion.........and Elton was not invited.

I suppose it is tough being an old fag like Elton and not having a suitcase full of Viagra to prop up the penis, and being married to a Canadian 20 years your younger with a suitcase of you are stuck at home nursing two little boys you bought off Americans.

It doesn't sound like anyone is around raising the children, with all this penis showing and anus inserting going on. Hardly sounds psychologically stable for children, and the next thing you know it will be dead pig head sex like David Cameron was up to......but at least England seems to have two Prime Ministers in the making who were birthed in  America.

As you can observe from the above photo, you can see those two little boys have no love nor recollection of who these two old fag strangers are posing with them. Only satan knows what they have been exposed to and are naturally rejecting, but now is the problem of another broken fag mansion, in what will happen to the children as Elton John appears more senile than sane and he could not handle his Equalz who was busy stuffing his penis into anus chambers when he should have been home raising the tots.

We need an international intervention of child advocacy rescue. I say Vladimir Putin should lure in Elton and the boys, arrest Elton and put the boys into the custody of the Russian Orthodox Church for education and exposure to Slavic women in fur.......

See a woman like that would make a boy into a man with a civilized cock that the Church would just love sending to Heaven.

This is the kind of woman that Elton John and fags need to make men out of them.

A woman like that gets ahold of Elton John and drags him around by his penis, puts a good Viagra scab on his dick and either kills him or teaches him how to hold his breath while face sitting to Don't Go Breakin' My Heart, and quicker than you can say "STRAIGHT", Elton will get his brain wiring back to normal.

That is all any fag needs really, just a woman to make a man out of them. Just need to go to the beefy girls to get the job done as Elton needs to get over his phobia of snatch, and nothing like a snatch that can suck you in and make you fight for your life to get you over your fears.

This is about the children though, and we need to have an intervention for these boys in protecting them from another fraud perversion called marriage.

Nuff Said


Spying on you from your own Utility Pole

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you have never considered your utility poles in your neighborhood, you really should, as there are numbers of regulations regarding these PRIVATELY owned poles which bring electricity, cable and whatever into your homes.
The reason they are regulated is you can not put things on them like bird houses as it interferes with linemen doing their jobs in emergencies.

If someone put something on top of a pole, it would be a wonderful place for squirrels and hawks to set. The problem with that is the animals, then decide to move around, step on high voltage wire, ground it, and blow out your electricity.
Several years ago we had the damnedest time of lights flicking in Mom's house, and then they would go off for like a half hour and come back on. I started getting worried that we had a short in the house and it was going to burn down. By miracle though, we had a lineman come up and check on things and he said, "Oh I know what that is, I bet there is a wire bent on the transformer and that is causing the problem as I saw that before".

Sure as blessings come from Heaven, that is what it was and it floored me as  I had never heard of that problem before.

That is why no one is allowed to go crawling around on poles........meaning you poke holes in poles and they rot quicker,  and if you bring a truck in with a boom, you might get yourself electrocuted or blow out the entire power grid, so imagine the consternation of some Arizona residents who saw some big box on their power poles in their yard, reported it, and the utility company came out and took it down,...........and the BATFE finally confessed to get their property back that it was them who had been spying on people.

EVERY law enforcement agency is supposed to notify a utility of what they are doing in screwing around with the power grid, but the BATFE came up with some excuse that it was all legal in what they were illegally going into a neighborhood, without a search warrant, no doubt in the dark, and putting up huge black boxes.

Does any of this sound stupid in a land of terrorists? What if some homeowner saw some man in black on that pole at midnight and decided to shoot at them? What happens then? The BATFE murders the homeowner for being terrified people might be planting bombs on a utility pole to knock out the power grid?

None of this is going to stop, because the left cheers when LaVoy Finicum gets murdered, but this is the BATFE in your in they have to notify your Sheriff, which they did not........which means the BATFE is involved in Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.......meaning some organized criminal network is operating in this neighborhood, endangering everyone, and the BATFE has not told the citizens, but has decided to endanger them more.

Laws have absolutely no value when the Law is the Outlaw.

If you study the above photo, this black box is within falling distance in some wind storm of high voltage wires. The locals thought it was a camera, but I am betting it was a cell phone grabber for the entire community, in the BATFE was routing every net link and cell link in spying on everyone.......illegally.

Nuff Said


The Cruz Crimes of the Century

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I sincerely hope that Americans are paying attention after Rush Limbaugh today said a woman is asking to be raped by just being a woman......if your name is Donald Trump.

See that was the context of the Cruz apologist, Rush Limbaugh who was funneled money by the Cruz campaign as was Mark Levin in ad revenues, and provided Cruz with over 10 hours a day of free good publicity as all the other candidates were mocked like "trumpsters" and John Kasich for having a working class old man, as the Big Koch mic head told the world that just because the GOP secretly changed the rules in Colorado to NO VOTERS and only secret delegate meetings, it was Donald Trump's fault for being primary raped, because he didn't know it was going to happen, so that made it all legal.

That is typical for this Cruz and Clinton GOPliter group, in they simply commit crimes, and then claim ignorance or blame the other candidate for not realizing that Amanda Carpenter would of course use CNN to lynch Ben Carson in that sort of criminal misbehavior should be expected.

I honestly was curious how Rush Limbaugh was going to handle another Cruz crime so blatant, after he came on air and told the world that New Yorkers really like being bitch slapped by Ted Cruz, as they like it.
Makes one wonder if the real reason Rush Limbaugh had 4 divorces is his wives never figured out that getting one across the kisser was something they liked, as Rush had his wifebeater on and was jacking off to photos of Paul Newman.

Seriously who in their right Western mind would ever think that in America, they would have elections where only a few delegates, never elected by the people, would be voting in complete unison for Ted every little Western state in America. Colorado is not the first time Ted Cruz and Riense Preibus pulled this as it happened in Wyoming too.

The thing which is being overlooked in this is this was not something which Ted Cruz pulled out of his ass. This was something he inherited and this all started when a deal was made with Jeb Bush, and after that Trump landslides in Wisconsin became Cruz landslides, and more to the point, Colorado became the revival of Red Square in the Kremlin.
What I am trying to tell you in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter is, THIS IS THE JEB BUSH plot to steal the election for himself which was worked out from day one, and has now been initiated into the Cruz campaign to steal elections.

If it had not been for Donald Trump, driving Bush out of the race, you would have seen Jeb vote flip a number of states, balkanize others, and literally as this was planned out in August of 2015, Jeb would have been awarded all of the delegates in Colorado at this key juncture of the cliffhanger.

This is how they knew from Karl Rove numbering of the delegates, exactly to the delegate who would be blackmailed, bought, menaced and put on leash. This is how they knew to predict Donald Trump would fall short of 1237 delegates, because that is what Jeb Bush's plot originally was.
The Trump vote was to be split. Kasich, Graham, Cruz, Rubio were to pull off like Huckabee key states, as Bush kept gaining the lead. There were to be kill shots in Kansas, Maine, Wisconsin and Colorado, as Bush took Florida, and then "election over" as the last big states of New York, Pennsylvania and California fell through attrition.

What you are witnessing is the criminal electioneering of the GOP primaries and you were not supposed to notice this, but only noticed any of this because Donald Trump was in the race.

I fully believe at this moment, that Riense Preibus' marching orders are simple. Deflect with this idiot Paul Ryan doing chopper stunts, and steal this at the convention with the "great healer" of Jeb Bush as Vice President.
Seriously, with Jeb as VP, I figure Cruz will not make it past November 22nd, 2019 and Jeb Bush will be sworn in as President.

I have visions of Andy Dean behind the Golden EIB microphone, with Rush being asked his opinion with Mr. Dean then having Mark Levin say, "Get out of here you dumby".
I think Michael Savage would be a good replacment for Mark Levin......who could be relegated to saying things like, "Mr. Savage, Sir, you are so brilliant Sir".

It interests me how secure all of these criminal traitors are, in thinking things will remain in the status quo after all of their political rape. I really do not care how long this takes, if I have to wait until Mr. Putin invades America and lines up Rush Limbaugh before a firing squad. There is going to be a God given reckoning, which will be legal and no vigilantism, because the tides of battle turn, and one day it will be a reality of millions of American and Europeans, seeing that thin blue police state line vanish, and will then find out what it is like to be humans who are really at liberty

It is pleasing that Rush Limbaugh is so self important that he does not think his contract can not be bought out, in thinking he is irreplaceable. 6 months and there are people who would have his saintly brother David damning him from the witness box.
You see what is this childish "trumpster" digs for the faction which employs the entertainer, is realized for the testing of the masses for what it is, by those who still adhere to the continuity of the system.

I hope you paid attention to the Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, that what Ted Cruz is implementing in the Jeb Bush programme and that Rush Limbaugh is giving cover to the crimes of the century.

 Perhaps I will write more of this......not about Limbaugh as the entertainer does not matter, but about what is.........let me just say that some one's information from their sources is like the dinosaur.

Ted Cruz Calls Drudge Report 'Attack Site for the Trump Campaign'

Oh a little Cruz anti Semitism for the Jew who will not come to heal.

and what's this?

Mediaite3 hours ago
No could it be, another fraud Paul doing the bidding of the masters as the Paultards do not realize they were sold out what would Rand Paul be good for in the Jeb Bush regime?


Lame Cherry Free Speech Taxed Quarterly Or There Will Be Fines

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I really am in a mood which most of you will not give a rat's ass about, but for the few who do and are not stealing from me my widow's mite, I just had some wonderful IRS news delivered to me about this blog.

See for all of you who think this is all free, because you are like Ted Cruz on Colorado votes in being thieving bastards who do not deserve the name American on you, the IRS is now demanding that like all businesses, I have to file taxes on PROJECTED EARNINGS.

For the Cruz brains, that means in order to write this blog, I have to pay the IRS every 4 months the "taxes I may not owe", so I will not be penalized......yes if I do not write a check out and mail it in on time, I will be penalized as in fines for paying money, projected on donations from you ...........I was about to use a series of four letter words describing you people, but donations from people who do not donate.

This is quite novel really, in if I do not beg enough from a few good people who are already paying too much in my view to prop up your thieving asses, then the IRS will fine me.

Most businesses have to pay quarterly, as the regime is so bankrupt it needs to extort money from people who actually do work. A blog though you would think is different, but it is even more penalized.
Let me be clear about this though in this blog is a real blog, not some Red State billionaire fag thing, where someone like Rush Limbaugh has an accountant he hires for 100,000 a year, which is a tax deduction he never pays for, doing all of this.

I honestly am at a point, that I understand those grimy Occupy  Wall Street paid protestors, in all of those anarchists. There is no such thing as free speech or the free press, as this is now like a mafia protection racket where the cop comes in for his bag of donuts and bag of cash so the business does not burn down.

I am not bitching about this to the people who have donated, and were genuine, because it grates me to beg and it bothers me to accept money from people I like. I am just in shock yet, as with this Obamacare waiver I thought I was going to get some good news, but instead I got this wonderful burden, and then when I asked what happens if Donald Trump or Ted Cruz gets elected if I would get this money back...........I WAS LAUGHED AT IN SCORN. I kid you not.

So at this moment I really hate and loathe you non donors with every spark of the Spirit of God in me. I can not even work for God, without having regulations the GOP put into place with image Obama, forcing me to not just pay taxes, but now I have to pay taxes for writing a blog and if I do not do it every quarter from now on, I will be fined for greater payments.

I was standing there stunned looking at my RFID tag on the bottom of the payment slip. I have my own anti Christ code now, and all I need is it tattooed on my ass to make me an official bangs vaccinated heifer grazing on the plantation.

I honestly do not know what the fuck these Jesuits and Muslims want in America. Sure they lure them in with free stuff, but shit pot hannah, girl from tarzana, they will make them into a regime ATM machine soon as the ink dries too.

At this point, I am all in favor of God wiping this human race from the planet. I only hope I can have a beer with TL and Mom, on the lawn, as we watch Wormwood or Pyongyang rain death on this once God blessed nation.

This blog is now penalized for thinking. Nom de Deus, if only this was like the good olde Soviet Union, I could be sent into exile, trap rabbits, grow my garden and speak freely and never pay taxes as a good comrade.The Soviet Union is more free than Rush Limbaugh and Ted Cruz's America.

Oh by the way, I heard Limbaugh blaming Donald Trump for having Colorado stolen from him...but in Cruz speak it was not really stolen from him, because the insiders knew the rules were changed last August so it was all fair.

To paraphrase John Wayne and the Supreme Court looking at porn............I know what goddamn cheating, extortion and repression looks like and I do not need someone lying to me, telling me that I have to like it.

Pay your taxes my children, even taxes on donations which do not exist, because I am not going to a target of the IRS or this regime, and neither should you. There is just no human multi millionaire out there with that 350,000 dollar donation, so the only comfort I am getting is praying Wormwood makes a big fucking splat in the Pacific, tidal waves most of the west coast, bounces to fry the interior and then pastes the east coast to oblivion.
I think I am going to go check and see if God and the Angels might be walking by as for Abraham, before Sodom and Gomorrah..........and sister you can bet your sweet ass, that I am not going to be interceding if only 10 good people are found for God to spare.
Scorched earth is the only solution from God, but I will pay my taxes on donations which do not exist until then.

Do you get the idea that someone is trying to shut this blog down.


Criminal Cruz

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is a fact in America, that EVERY "victory" in which Ted Cruz has been a part of, can be absolutely defined as the literal felonious theft of that state.

Ted Cruz has won nothing. What Ted Cruz has accomplished is from lynching Ben Carson in Iowa, to vote flipping in Kansas and Texas, to the latest in Colorado, where Cruz is not even bothering with people voting any more.....instead Cruz just has Riense Preibus phone up the delegates to menace them behind closed doors, and out Tweets a #NeverTrump, exposing all the crimes and the GOP leadership runs out screaming about no crimes were committed.

Look at the REALITY in America. Under Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton in the GOPliters in Riense Preibus and Debbie Schultz, Muslim women have more damned voting rights than American men and women.

What the hell do we have to have now in all of this Cruz  Clinton crime? All of us have to run around with our fingers dyed in purple? What good would that do though with no one being allowed to vote any more in Colorado?

None of this is new, as Wyoming was the same criminal conspiracy as in Colorado.

For the facts in the Republican party alone:

Riense Preibus and Ted Cruz are guilty of:

  • E vote fraud
  • Bribing delegates
  • Paying hush money to Cruz whores
  • Graft for jobs
  • Threatening delegates with IRS and FBI investigations
  • Using Islamic terror money from terrorists.
The above are all facts proven by the Tweets, Reverse Speech and actions of Ted Cruz and the GOPliters to steal this election from Donald Trump and the American People.

Ted Cruz is ineligible in being foreign born and having more than one citizenship status. That is Constitutional Law.

Yet that is now the least in the growing crimes of treachery and treason. For the first time in American history, delegates were forced to choose Ted Cruz unanimously WITHOUT ANY VOTER PARTICIPATION. There was not any election or caucus. Nom de Deus people, at this moment, there is more voter freedom of candidates and elections in Tehran, Pyongyang and Peking.

Russia with Vladmir Putin is a more free and fair society. Muslim terrorists have a more free and fair society than America, and the criminals behind this from Ted Cruz, and all of his vouching Rush Limbaughs, Mark Levins and Erick Erickson for principles and character are the epitome of the worst despots in history to ever be spawned out of Red Square or the Forbidden City.

This is America dead and buried in the Obama Abyss. The right to free and fair elections has ended, and Ted Cruz is the poster boy for it just like Hillary Clinton, and it is Riense Preibus and Debbie Schultz for the same Conglomerates who had the FBI shoot down LaVoy Finicum over mining rights and has been storm trooping in Ferguson Missouri to herd blacks back onto the reservation Obama has been genociding for profit.

America is a Conglomerate Oligarchy and the traitors are named Cruz and Clinton, and their Goebbels are named Limbaugh, Levin and Erickson.

This entire lot of criminals belong indicted and facing federal trials with the death penalty on the table, for this is every bit as worse as the Japanese at Pearl Harbor and bin Laden on 9 11, as this is a direct attack to holocaust the most necessary of American Rights in the Right to free and fair elections.

Nuff Said


With friends like Erick Erickson, Ted Cruz needs no enemies

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a personal note to Ted Cruz and Riense Preibus for when you are summoned, and on your knees before the Big Koch or is it Big Saud, and you are sucking for all you are worth, and you are told to tell it to the dick, just remember this little warning.

I had thought that cucksucker Rush Limbaugh was the biggest cuck whore on the planet in not being able to keep his mouth shut. I mean that cuck will just not swallow, as he keeps on spewing out Big Koch's secrets as he wants to be some popular prostitute.
Erick Erickson has honestly taken over that place now, in all the things he hears braced upon his master's knees comes spewing out and making a mess of things.

Riense faggo, how hard is it to tell the girls to kiss and swallow man?

Red Rag is acting like a whore's tampon in just gushing all the juicy information out. I mean telling the world the Preibus plan with Ted Cruz that this is the week that Ted Cruz stole the election from Donald Trump is just stupid.
If this was about trying to unnerve Trump voters, it is one thing, but this is not. This is about revealing the pillow talk and knee bracer plans which Erickson has been privy to listen at the door too.

I realize it hard for the prissy boys to all wanting be popular girls like me, in having exclusives every day, but to suck and spew is like pillow talk to a CIA whore with an NSA mic in the pillow. It just lets the KGB know what is the criminal plan.

The cucksters are viewing this as "wins" when in criminal courts this call life in prison.

  • Cruz won Utah with 69% of the vote, sweeping all of Utah’s 40 delegates.
  • Cruz won delegates out of Louisiana that were available.
  • Cruz then won the North Dakota delegate race, taking 18 out of 25 delegates. Trump got only 1 publicly supporting delegate.
  • Cruz won in Wisconsin, getting close to 50% of the vote and winning 36 out of the 42 delegates by winning most Congressional districts, with just 6 delegates for Trump.
  • Cruz won the Colorado delegate selection process, winning all of the delegate races, either with Cruz bound delegates or Cruz-supporting unbound delegates, a total of 34 delegates.
  • Cruz has been winning the ‘other’ nomination race, the race for actual delegates, even when bound to Trump.  In places like Georgia, South Carolina, Massachusetts, Tennessee, and many other states. For example, this weekend in Iowa, a CD is sending #CruzCrew delegates to Iowa.

There is a finite number of Preibus folks and billionaire cocks. There is a finite number of cucks telling the prostitutes things that should not be told, because they are criminal things.......which let us review this as it involves:

  • Bribes
  • Electronic election tampering
  • Threats to delegates in blackmail of unleashing the IRS and FBI to menace them
  • Misuse of public offices.

Let us just use this example:

Riense Preibus menaces everyone in the GOP leadership in Colorado as Ted Cruz pets the pubes on some nice young children, promising things. Then like in Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, all Trump strongholds, a complete Joe Stalin landslide takes Wisconsin.

Colorado GOP hastily deletes '#NeverTrump' tweet following ...

The Colorado GOP is in hot water after a Tweet appeared to show the party siding with Ted Cruz & denouncing Donald Trump.. Live-updated Colorado news, weather ...

The difference is, unlike South Carolina and Tennessee in the molesters keeping their mouths shut after the sodomization, one of the raped children actually liked it, and rushed out and posts, WE did it.

Was this a mouse in the pocket of the election thief for Cruz?

Oh my, that sort of blurted out too, did it not in who benefited but Ted Cruz, so he is in on the WE, and so is Riense Preibus in on the WE, and WE have "DID" something which stole all the delegates, by some persuasion which ........could it be a THREAT in COERCING delegates, that translates into WE CRIMINALLY TAMPERED WITH THE ELECTION IN THREATENING DELEGATES.

That sounds a great deal like criminal acts and it of course is, because the Colorado leadership was horrified all this crime was put on Twitter for the world to see. That means the whispers start in "She got the job for selling her vote", "How do you think he afforded that Mercedes" and, "I'm scared because if they said I talk the IRS is going to audit us".

iPhone account, linked directly to the Colorado what kind of pillow talk would one avail to have a phone of a party leader in the basement of an ice hockey arena....probably frostbit the genitals eh?

All of that pillow talk and now 80% of the electorate just looking for crimes for the wrongs that have been committed.  How long do you think it might be, before Hillary or Bernie decide a nice scandal surrounding Ted Cruz would be good for the 2018 elections, and then there is the matter of destroying the GOP right forever, as Jeb is young enough to make another presidential run.........and the Bush people just love removing all contenders with the very crimes they initiated.

But those cuckers just can not stop bragging about something they heard by the keyhole, which is what they only equate as winning, but those behind it ......see computer program fraud, bribes, blackmail and misuse of public office.......the last one does not seem like much, unless of course it is US Representative or United States Senator, then that does get interesting, and all of those billionaires not looking to be like Martha Stewart and being forced to turn it all over like Bill Gates to save their skins.........that does make a little Tweet or a little bragging on Red State a bit more interesting when a US Attorney in a Clinton regime comes knocking.

Ted Cruz has a zero percent chance of being President.

Ted Cruz has a 50% chance of being President with Jeb Bush as Vice President. which case Ted Cruz has a 100% chance of being replaced by Jeb Bush.

Ted Cruz also has a 90% chance of being in prison in a Clinton regime in order to pave the way for a Jeb 2020.

Ted Cruz needs no enemies, as his vagabonds are whispering the secrets from the dark places.

Mr. Cruz and Mr. Preibus, you need to deal with your gossips, before your owners start demanding explanations, and before the Mr. on your names, becomes INMATE followed by numbers.

Loose lips not only sink ships, but loose lips give bad blow jobs.

- Lame Cherry

Nuff Said


Obama Regime Unleashes BLM Now On American Oil Companies

Wild Horses: Government transparency and public process jeopardized ...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As an alert in this, the Obama regime is shutting down America oil production for Big Saud.

If you think that the murder of LaVoy Finicum was the last act of the BLM, the BLM has unleashed with two hearings in New Mexico and North Dakota to require them to stop "flaring" or burning off natural gas etc.... from oil wells due to global warming.

That is the cover in this, as the real issue as crude prices have plunged in this global oil war, is that what BLM is really after is 22 million dollars in royalties from these captured gas condenser holding tanks which might not work in North Dakota's 40 below weather, and the selling of 62 million dollars in new monitoring equipment to the suppliers to find those "missing gases".
The net result of the above is that you will be paying that 62 million dollars a year in higher gas prices.....gas which is no different than cow farts and is natural, as that is what natural gas is.

Just thought in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter which is being kept from all of you...........because what this will do is further stress American oil companies, cause them to cap wells, and sell them to Saudi Muslim oil as has been the plan all along.

Gee I have not read a thing about this on any other media which I was accused of reading by the E LINT......and for those who need an explanation of E LINT. E LINT is the same as bed fuzz, naval lint and that dust which is shed from the garments of life, that has no purpose except taking up space and breeding disease in the home.

Nuff Said


BLM writing new rules on natural gas flaring | Prairie Public ...

BLM writing new rules on natural gas flaring ... "There isn't monitoring. The BLM is not ... and then there will be another comment period before any new rule can ...

To Love the Smell of Firebomb in the Morning

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is amazing to me what liberal Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton voters spend their time doing and posting things online. I mean LaVoy Finicum writes books and tries to turn Paiute art back to them, and the FBI is recording everything he is doing before they murder him.
Yet the internet seems to be filled with bright liberal voters who post the most interesting of things.

I mean like Roger Stone of the GOP posts threats about releasing these fraud delegate names, but liberals really are into the science of things. Just look at this headline:

Che Guevara Was Really Into Shotguns and Molotov Cocktails

Shotguns and Molotov cocktails are standard fare during the early phases of revolutions. They're common and easily obtained in urban and rural areas. Spent shotgun ...

Who would have ever thunk that Che was into guns and fire bombs. Certainly never came up with Ted Cruz's old man was a communist in Cuba, trying to drive out American ally, Batista, but who knew such things, as people on the right are cowboys and never go on these First Amendment sites.

Che interests me, because I always wonder just what kind of parasites live in Cuba beards or what kind of parasites come out of Cuba, so I took a look see what the Bernie Sanders voters were up to online.

This one is really interesting, as they took Comrade Molotov's original fire starter, and made it ......well like a 21st century Obama weapon.

Here is the recipe.

  • First you get a glass bottle or jar. They did not say, but I think a wine or quart whiskey bottle with a long neck might be preferred by Sanders voters as the neck would be like an old German National Socialist hand grenade as a leverage to throw it.
  • Then you put in 8 ounces of gasoline
  • Then you put in 4 ounces concentrated sulfuric acid.
  • Seal all of this up with the lid and test the lid so the acid does not eat it up in 24 hours as storage is important as transport.
  • Wash the bottle as any acid on the bottle will become a problem for phase 2
  • Phase two is place 2 teaspoons of potassium chlorate and 2 teaspoons sugar into a glass cup or bowl (I am thinking Anchor Hocking bowl) and add 1/2 cup boiling water, and dissolve the sugar and potassium chlorate.
  • In another glass baking dish, place a heavy duty paper towel (I am thinking Bounty) folded in half and pour the solution of dissolved sugar and potassium chlorate over it.
  • When it is wet, remove it, and do another towel, and dry them.
  • When dry place glue around the glass bottle or jar, and adhere the paper towel to the jar, and store.
Apparently, acid when it comes into contact with the sugar and potassium chlorate, it just burns white hot according to the Sanders voters, and that is why you do not want any residue on the outside as you glue the paper towel on.

That is about it for the 21st century Molotov or Sanders cocktail or Cruz cocktail, as they are both backed by the same insiders like Hillary and Kasich and Ryan and Jeb..........the list goes on.

I was looking at this and as of course being a law abiding sheep, I have no experience in things like this, but I started wondering if you like added by glue a steel band or if maybe a Sanders voter put like 2 inches of cement and dried it if it would work to break windows with and then it would break as it entered the building, and spread the fire.
Then again I do not know if anything is in concrete which would make it dangerous or if it would neutralize the acid, but I suppose some kind of cement glued to the bottom of the bottle would solve all of that too.

These liberals even were talking of using bottle butane, and putting it on some charcoal, and that apparently makes a thermobaric type bomb. I suppose that would work on those propane tanks too, and maybe that is why they keep missing from Walmart, but it is not like a Muslim could toss one of them through a window with a charcoal grill attached to it for the Obama regime.

It seems though everyone in the military just loves Molotov cocktails. The Fins trained with them against Russia and the Wehrmacht did too with great success at Stalingrad. Sure enough the comrades started something and everyone else built a better mouse trap.

Finnish Combustions Bottles had two large matchstick like "ignition sticks" taped on the glass bottle. Stick was at first ignited (another was spare one) and the bottle was then thrown against the target. This has been handled also elsewhere but I repeat that Finnish models (there were two) were factory made weapons developed during the alte 1930's. They contained a mix of ethanol (alcohol), gasoline, phosphor and tar which made the compound inside the bottle thicker, more sticky and increased the temperature of the fire much above that it would have otherwise been.

When going through my Armoured Crewman Trade Training, we were actually taught how to make and employ "Molotov Cocktails" against tanks. Don't ask me why but it certainly was fun trg.

We used 1 and 2 Litre glass wine bottles, filled them 3/4 of the way full with gasoline, topped them up with motor oil, and stuffed a cloth rag half way into the bottle leaving at least 20cm of the rag hanging out. The gasoline burns well, the oil makes the whole flaming concoction "stick" and the inside and outside rag lengths prevents it from going out as you throw it as well as ensure a good combustion when the bottle breaks.

The best place to toss it at a tank was onto the back deck so that the burning gas and oil would suffocate the engine (static tank is better target for other weapons) and/or cause the POL products in the engine compartment to ignite. Into the Commanders hatch was mentioned and tried by us on some old Centurion relics but we found it very hard to do from ground level.

Molotovs are best employed in a built-up area like Stalingrad and from the floors above a street. I'm sure you can appreciate that it's easier to drop accurately than throw accurately.

Nothing like actual experience I guess, dropping Molotovs out of windows and using the fire to stall tank engines, when everyone else just thought they were for fire bombing some traitors home, as that is the damnedest thing in people always seem to get the point in things mattering when some arsonist radical like Che burns down your house, and then come back and does it again when you rebuild. Sure makes insurance companies be uncooperative and sort of takes the pleasure out of accepting bribes to sell out your country.

Any way, I remember John Wayne setting Richard Boone on fire by throwing a barn lantern at him, but that was white guys going at it, and not like Obama voters in Missouri.

Ferguson Protesters Using Molotov Cocktails -

Police say protesters in Ferguson, Missouri, began hurling Molotov cocktails at them Sunday night, forcing them to respond with tear gas and rubber bullets.

I do not know if the Afroid in Missouri in Black Lives Matter, registered their Molotov cocktails with the BATFE, as there apparently is a regulation on that. Then again, liberals get all kinds of cheats on laws for some reasons, but really what would a person on the right do with a Molotov cocktail as they just seem to bleed out in the snow in Oregon or have elections stolen from them.


Lame Cherry Salsa

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was experimenting with salsa. I found that sugar takes the bitter out of tomatoe and cumin is what makes salsa have all the ingredients taste like it should.

Here is the Lame Cherry recipe.

2 quart cans of crushed tomatoes
1 large red onion
1 minced garlic clove
1 green pepper
1 can of green chilies
1 jalapeno pepper chopped
 1/2 cup cilantro leaves chopped
1 tablespoon lime juice concentrate
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cumin

This will make a pile of this enough to have enough of it until the next time. I suppose you could freeze it, but it will keep for some time in the fridge at the back. It is fresh tasting and improves like herb vinegar as the flavors leach into the tomatoe and combine.

TL says this tastes exactly like it should. Do not overdo on the cilantro though as we made some in the metro with black beans and things, and while it was good, that takes some time getting used to. This is about like Pace Picante sauce, better in more pieces in it.
